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ERSM160710 - The relevant period - up to 5 April 2015: introduction

ITEPA03/S41A(1) sets out the conditions which must be met for the remittance basis to apply to employment income chargeable under Chapters 2, 3, 3C (except section 446UA - see ERSM160620), 3D, 4 & 5 of Part 7 ITEPA.

The first condition is that there must be an amount that counts as an individual’s employment income for a tax year, in respect of an employment, by virtue of one of the above Chapters (subsection (1)(a)).

The second is that some part of the relevant period must be within a tax year for which section 809B, 809D or 809E ITA 2007 (remittance basis) applies to the individual (subsection (1)(b)).

ITEPA03/S41B then goes on to explain what is meant by the concept of the “relevant period”. The general intention is that the relevant period should represent the period in which the income is earned, or to which it most closely relates.