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ERSM160869 - Ascertaining Foreign Securities Income (FSI) - up to 5 April 2015: examples: example 4 - NOR employee with duties performed partly in the UK & partly overseas

In 2009/10 and 2010/11 Vivienne is resident and domiciled in the UK, but not ordinarily resident. She works for a UK affiliate of an overseas corporation but, during those years, spends 25% of each month on secondment abroad to the parent company. She is awarded a share option on 1 May 2009 which she exercises on the vesting date, which is 30 April 2010, realising a gain of £1,000. She claims the remittance basis of taxation under ITA07/S809B for both years.

All the conditions in ITEPA03/S41C(6) are met for 2009/10 and 2010/11.

The relevant period for the share option is from 1 May 2009 to 30 April 2010 and falls within 2009/10 and 2010/11.

As Vivienne has performed the duties of her employment partly in the UK and partly overseas during the relevant period the option gain is apportioned on a just and reasonable basis, in accordance with the split of the duties.

As a result, £750 is taxed in the UK on the arising basis in 2010/11.

The balance of £250 is treated as FSI and will be taxed only if remitted to the UK.

For the application of this and the other examples to periods from 6 April 2013, see ERSM160873.