ERSM30000 - Restricted securities: contents

Securities acquired on or after 16 April 2003 - Schedule 22

  1. ERSM30250
    Conditional shares acquired on or after 16 April 2003 but with chargeable event before 1 September 2003
  2. ERSM30300
    Securities acquired on or after 16 April 2003: introduction
  3. ERSM30310
    Meaning of restricted securities and restricted interest in securities
  4. ERSM30320
    Definition of ‘restriction’ – forfeitable (or conditional) securities
  5. ERSM30330
    Definition of ‘restriction’ – holding of securities
  6. ERSM30340
    Definition of ‘restriction’ – potential disadvantage
  7. ERSM30350
  8. ERSM30360
    Black-out or close periods: USA & UK listed companies
  9. ERSM30370
    No charge on acquisition: forfeiture condition 5 years or less
  10. ERSM30380
    Securities acquired for purposes of avoidance – deemed election
  11. ERSM30390
    The charge
  12. ERSM30400
    Calculation of charge
  13. ERSM30410
    Securities disposed of for less than market value
  14. ERSM30415
    Computation of OP
  15. ERSM30420
    Calculation of charge: simple examples
  16. ERSM30430
    Calculation of charge: complex examples
  17. ERSM30440
    Excluded securities
  18. ERSM30450
    Elections to exclude outstanding restrictions
  19. ERSM30460
    Elections to exclude outstanding restrictions: further issues
  20. ERSM30470
    Restricted shares acquired under tax-advantaged scheme – deemed election under Section 431(1)
  21. ERSM30480
    Securities acquired for purposes of avoidance – deemed election under Section 431(1)
  22. ERSM30490
    Relief for NIC elections & agreements
  23. ERSM30500
    Exchanges of restricted securities up to 16 July 2014
  24. ERSM30505
    Exchanges of restricted securities on or after 17 July 2014
  25. ERSM30506
    Exchanges of restricted securities on or after 17 July 2014: application of the Chapter 2 charging provisions
  26. ERSM30507
    Exchanges of restricted securities on or after 17 July 2014: application of the Chapter 2 charging provisions; further detail
  27. ERSM30508
    Exchanges of restricted securities on or after 17 July 2014: application of the Chapter 2 charging provisions; examples
  28. ERSM30510
    French FCPE (Fonds Comun de Placement d’Enterprise)
  29. ERSM30520
    Memorandum of Understanding between the BVCA and HM Revenue and Customs on the income tax treatment of managers’ equity investments in venture capital and private equity backed companies
  30. ERSM30530
    Memorandum of understanding between the BVCA and HM Revenue and Customs on the income tax treatment of Venture Capital and Private E Limited Partnerships and Carried Interest