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ESM4131 - Particular Occupations: Entertainment Industry: TV and Radio Presenters: ‘Show and Go’ Engagements

The length of engagement is neutral in determining employment status.

However, in this profession, ‘show and go’ engagements can be regarded as self-employed; see below for when an engagement will not be a ‘show and go’ engagement. A ‘show and go’ engagement is a discrete engagement of a short duration.

Typical examples of ‘show and go’ engagements are programme guests, such as experts, pundits and panellists, making one off appearances.

A person may be hired on more than one occasion for a “show and go” engagement and still be self-employed.

An engagement will not be a ‘show and go’ where

  1. the individual becomes, or is intended to become, a regular feature of a particular programme; or
  2. the individual builds up a long-standing working relationship with the engager

ESM4115 explains

  • what we mean by discrete engagement, regular feature and longstanding relationship
  • recognises certain factors which are indicative of when an engagement is a genuine re-engagement and not part of an overarching agreement

Where they apply you should refer to the rest of the substantive guidance that follows to work out the status. Where they do not, the wider circumstances will need to be considered to determine whether there is a discrete engagement.