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Updates: Enquiry Manual


25 March 2025 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Interest: Payments on Account for Post Enquiry SA Year

Updates to 2nd paragraph in Example and to POA1 and POA2 dates

Working the enquiry: reviewing earlier years: outstanding returns: determination of tax:

Note add that the guidance is relevant to SA cases only.

11 March 2025 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Letters of Offer: General

Additional detail added regarding HMRC’s requirements for a wet signature in contract settlement letters of offer and letters of acceptance.

6 March 2025 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance - letter of acceptance

Additional detail added regarding HMRC's requirement for a wet signature in contract settlement letters of offer and letters of acceptance

5 March 2025 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Letters of Offer: General

Additional detail added regarding HMRC’s requirements for a wet signature in contract settlement letters of offer and letters of acceptance.

Additional detail added regarding HMRC’s requirements for a wet signature in contract settlement letters of offer and letters of acceptance.

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Filing Dates for Individuals, Trustees and Partnerships

Links to examples added

Contract settlements: acceptance: authorisation levels - WMBC Mid-Sized Businesses

references to £500,000 replaced with the figure of £1,000,000.

12 February 2025 published amendments

16 January 2025 published amendments

Contract settlements: Deeds

Reference to SOLS changed to HMRC Legal Group and contact link updated to sharepoint site


17 December 2024 published amendments

11 December 2024 published amendments

2 December 2024 published amendments

Penalties: determination procedures: form 394 - other penalties

Added a section 9 to detail when to issue an HMRC1

12 November 2024 published amendments

Contract settlements: Deeds

Link to contact link & redaction added to various paragraphs

11 November 2024 published amendments

Contract settlements: contents

New Page EM63700 added

28 October 2024 published amendments

23 October 2024 published amendments

Concluding an Enquiry: Accountancy Expenses Arising out of Enquiries

Added sentence and link for guidance on the deductibility of premiums paid for insuring against the cost of tax enquiries. Updated internal team contact for enquiries

21 October 2024 published amendments

Interest: Mitigation

Added wording to contract settlement sentence to say that taxpayer may seek redress via the complaints process

18 October 2024 published amendments

Introduction: Confidentiality and Personal Security

Link to HR Policies & Guidance updated

16 October 2024 published amendments

Contract settlements: expected offer: means - taxpayer abroad

EISC Technical Enforcement Team email address amended

7 October 2024 published amendments

2 October 2024 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - general

Page reviewed to remove reference to local compliance and centralised SAFE team. Content updated to refer to SAFE team or SAFE nominee

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - handling general payments on account

Page reviewed to direct the user to the SAFE team or Safe nominee.

25 September 2024 published amendments

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Method of Giving Relief

Paragraph added to advise action to take to reopen a contract settlement

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Adjusting Figures

Paragraph added to advise action to take to reopen a contract settlement.

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Early Settlement Of Instalment Offers

Last paragraph added to advise action to take to reopen a contract settlement

9 August 2024 published amendments

8 August 2024 published amendments

Discovery: overview

First paragraph under subheading 'Appropriate use of the Discovery provisions' amended

7 August 2024 published amendments

5 August 2024 published amendments

31 July 2024 published amendments

Introduction: types of enquiry: general

Fifth paragraph amended

25 July 2024 published amendments

Partnerships: contents

New page added for deceased partners

16 July 2024 published amendments

Working the enquiry: reviewing earlier years: outstanding returns - action to take including determination of tax

Link corrected to CH56100 and some minor amendments made.
Standard warning letter link removed. Warning letter ITSADET1 is now on SEES

26 June 2024 published amendments

Working the enquiry: reviewing earlier years: limits

Two new links added; links CH52100 and CH53000

17 June 2024 published amendments

Penalties: Failure to Notify Chargeability: All Years

Guidance amended under subheadings No Liability Cases and Multiple Years Cases

12 June 2024 published amendments

Partnerships: contract settlements

Last paragraph added referring to PM149500.

7 June 2024 published amendments

30 May 2024 published amendments

29 May 2024 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Disclosure

Fourth and fifth paragraphs amended

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Structure

Final paragraph under subheading 'Culpability' amended

28 May 2024 published amendments

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: Reasonable Excuse -Introduction

Guidance amended to remove some guidance and replace it with a link to CH160000

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: Failure to Notify: Responses

Text replaced with a link to CH160600 under subheading 'Obligation to notify (Ignorance of the law)'. And links to CH160400 and CH160500 added under subheading 'Illness etc'

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: Failure to Make a Return

Link to EM5152 replaced with a link to CH160000

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: Failure to Make a Return - Unacceptable Reasons

New final paragraph added

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: “Innocent Error”: Reliance on Third Party

New second paragraph added under subheading 'HMRC'

Penalties: Introduction: "Abatement" and "Mitigation"

Final paragraph removed

Penalties: Failure to Notify Chargeability: 1995/6 and SA Years

First and third paragraphs amended under subheading 'Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax'. Second paragraph amended under subheading 'Corporation Tax'. And first paragraph amended under subheading 'Amount of Penalty'

Penalties: Failure to Notify Chargeability: All Years

Guidance amended under subheading 'When Offence Committed'. And first paragraph amended under subheading 'No liability Cases'

Appendices: Contents

New page added - EMAPP4

New page EMAPP5 added

Penalties: Failure to Make a Return for SA Years

Section contents now moved to EMAPP4

Penalties: Failure to Make a Return for Pre-SA Years: Contents

Guidance can now be found at EMAPP5

23 May 2024 published amendments

22 May 2024 published amendments

20 May 2024 published amendments

15 May 2024 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Letters of Offer: ‘Without Prejudice’

Reference to taxpayer removed and replaced with customer. Last paragraph updated with reference to 'without prejudice' added

Contract Settlements: Letters of Offer: Importance of Correctness

Reference to taxpayer removed and replaced with customer. Sentence referring to shortened procedure removed.

Contract settlements: letters of offer: detail - exclusion clauses

Whole page rewritten

10 May 2024 published amendments

30 April 2024 published amendments

22 April 2024 published amendments

15 April 2024 published amendments

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - planning for meetings

Third paragraph under subheading 'What notes will I have to be prepared to take?' amended and the word 'taxpayer' changed to 'customer' throughout

11 April 2024 published amendments

Discovery: overview

Clarification of Appropriate use of the Discovery provisions paragraph

8 April 2024 published amendments

Appendix 1: letters of offer

Employer Duties Letters of Offers ocelot guidance added.

Concluding the Enquiry: Voluntary Restitution

Last paragraph amended to remove letter of offer that includes.

4 April 2024 published amendments

Discovery: operational restrictions

Fifth paragraph, second bullet point amended

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: authorisation required for ETL assessments

First paragraph under subheading 'Operational Instructions for Caseworkers' amended

First paragraph under subheading 'Operational Instructions for Caseworkers' amended

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: examples of where discovery assessments may and may not be made

First paragraph on the page and the last two paragraphs under subheading 'Example 5 – A notice to file has not been issued within normal time limits' amended

Discovery: partnerships, CTSA and SDLT: contents

Page title amended

Discovery: partnerships, CTSA and SDLT: partnerships

Page title amended. And the fourth paragraph under subheading 'Relationship between s29 discovery assessments and s30B discovery amendments' also amended

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: was the information made available

New second and fifth paragraphs added to the guidance

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: making an assessment - qualifying conditions - careless or deliberate behaviour

First and third paragraphs under subheading 'Making an assessment' and first and third paragraphs under subheading 'Qualifying conditions' amended

Discovery: legislation and time limits: HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation

Page title amended. The second paragraph under 'Making an assessment' amended. And 'Careless and Deliberate behaviour' amended and has now been split into two new subheadings 'Careless behaviour' and 'Deliberate behaviour'

27 March 2024 published amendments

Close Companies: Settlement: What to include

3rd paragraph updated removed sentence referring to a liability dispute and removed the contact link to report the dispute

3rd paragraph updated to remove reference to a liability dispute and the contact link to report the dispute

25 March 2024 published amendments

21 March 2024 published amendments

20 March 2024 published amendments

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: Failure to Make a Return - Provisional Figures

Update to 'What to do with returns containing provisional figures'. When situation 3 applies. 'The taxpayer may be able to claim error or mistake relief' removed.

7 March 2024 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: authorisation levels

Guidance updated to remove any reference to the role of a Local Compliance Authorising Office (LACO)

Contract settlements: expected offer: approval

Page updated to remove reference to Local Compliance Authorising Officer (LCAO)

Contract settlements: acceptance: authorisation levels – teams other than mid-sized business

Guidance updated to replace your manager with a manager. Reference to local compliance authorising office (LCAO) removed. Manual user directed to the customer compliance guidance hub for letter of offer

5 March 2024 published amendments

Interest: Introduction

First paragraph amended to refer to new interest regime.

Republish page archived in error

Interest: Pre-SA Years 1995-96 and Earlier Years

Page archived as requested by TALA team

Interest: Companies - Accounting Periods Ending before 01/07/99

Page archived as requested by TALA team

Interest: Contents

Pages EM4015 and EM4035 archived, removed from this contents page

Page republished

19 February 2024 published amendments

Concluding the Enquiry: Voluntary Restitution

Paragraph which referred to maximum penalty which could be charged and HMRCs policy on abatement removed from the page.

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Procedures When Repayment Due

New guidance added for Intelligent Payment Process (IPP). Reference to SAFE Repayment Stencil (SAFE 1 new) removed

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - amending a charge

Guidance for Intelligent Payment Process (IPP) added. Centralised safe team amended to National Safe Team

7 February 2024 published amendments

5 February 2024 published amendments

Introduction: Content and Readership

Links to framework enquires removed from the page

30 January 2024 published amendments

Enquiry Manual: contact link

Guidance updated with links to the new TALA sharepoint site

29 January 2024 published amendments

Introduction: Giving notice

Stamp Duty Land Tax removed from the last paragraph.

8 January 2024 published amendments


18 December 2023 published amendments

27 November 2023 published amendments

Partnerships: Introduction

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Ownership of Property

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: SA Return

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Approach to SA Enquiries: Contents

Section and all page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: approach to SA enquiries: general

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Approach to SA Enquiries: Partners' Review

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Approach to SA Enquiries: Full Enquiries

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Approach to SA Enquiries: Aspect Enquiries

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Approach to SA Enquiries: Disposal of Partnership Assets

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Contract Settlements

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Company Partners

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Penalties

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Deceased Partners: Pre-SA Years

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Deceased Partners: SA Years - In-Year Returns

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Deceased Partners: SA Years - Discovery where no Return Filed

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Deceased Partners: SA Years: Introduction

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Deceased Partners: Contents

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Assessments for Pre-SA Years

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Example

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Partners' Returns

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Consequential Amendments

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Form of Closure Notice

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: How to Conclude an Enquiry - Examples

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Legislative Framework

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Contents

Section archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Recalculating Profits

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Jeopardy Amendments - Completion Applications and Appeals

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Jeopardy Amendments

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Closure Application

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Obtaining Information

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Effect on Partners' Individual Returns

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Factsheets

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Combined Notices

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Notices

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Introduction

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: contents

Section archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: Appeals

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: Individual Partner - Share of Profits

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: No Nomination

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: General

Page archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: Contents

Section archived - guidance has been entirely re-written and a new EM7000 section published

17 November 2023 published amendments

Discovery: legislation and time limits: meaning and HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation

Guidance amended at the sixth paragraph under subheading 'Extended Time Limits'

9 November 2023 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: 'Discovery' Investigation Unavoidable

Guidance entirely re-written

Opening the Enquiry: Discovery Investigation: Opening Letter

Page archived - guidance no longer applicable

Opening the Enquiry: Contents

Page EM1547 archived

6 November 2023 published amendments

Enquiry Manual

Manual re-published so that it shows on the GOV.UK website

3 November 2023 published amendments

Partnerships: contents

Section entirely re-written with new guidance pages

9 October 2023 published amendments

Penalties: formal assessments and determinations: means

Worcester DMB Enquiries, 1 (DM) added to Direct Taxes paragraph

4 October 2023 published amendments

26 September 2023 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits

Guidance amended under the 'Summary' subheading

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits - Examples

Guidance under Example 3 amended

Opening the Enquiry: CTSA Time Limits - The group anniversary target

Guidance under the Example subheading amended

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Elements of CTSA Closure Notices

Fifth paragraph amended

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Payment of Corporation Tax

Changes made throughout the guidance

Concluding the Enquiry: Helping DMB to deal with debts

Page updated to replace persons with customer. Replaced link to EM1020 with EM6407 and removed reference to colleague in DMB

25 September 2023 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Keeping Control: Introduction

The guidance in bullet point 2 amended

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Claims and Elections

Reference to FA98/SCH18/PARA 89 (old)

13 September 2023 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Keeping Control: Ordering of Papers

Page archived - guidance no longer applicable

Working the Enquiry: Keeping Control: Contents

Page EM1812 archived

31 August 2023 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits

Change Note verifications by 31 Aug

Test Change Notes by 31 Aug

18 July 2023 published amendments

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - planning for meetings

Guidance regarding audio and video meetings amended under subheading 'What notes will I have to be prepared to take?'

19 June 2023 published amendments

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: SA Closure Notice - Standard Form

Amendments to reove reference to the form and ITA31 and replace with closure notice and change the taxpayer to the customer.

14 June 2023 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Letters of Offer: General

Second paragraph under subheading 'In all cases' amended

30 May 2023 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: Amendments - Examples of Time Limits

Final two paragraphs under Example 2 amended

24 May 2023 published amendments

Discovery: overview of discovery

Third paragraph amended under subheading 'Appropriate use of the Discovery provisions'

Discovery: legislation and time limits: meaning and HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation

Both paragraphs amended under subheading 'Careless and Deliberate behaviour'. And the first bullet point under the fourth paragraph amended under subheading 'Extended Time Limits'

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: making an assessment - qualifying conditions - careless or deliberate behaviour

Third paragraph amended under subheading 'Careless or deliberate behaviour – s29(4), TMA70 and Para 43, Sch18, FA 1998'

Discovery: contents: recovery of overpayment of tax

First paragraph amended. And new fifth paragraph added

Discovery: contents

New page EM3269 added

22 May 2023 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Taxpayer Amendments

The following words have been made Bold to highlight them - '...outside the time limit for a taxpayer amendment...'

Companies: Groups: consequential amendments - changes required to group relief amounts

Amendments to page made for preparing for litigation on the subject matter.

11 May 2023 published amendments

3 May 2023 published amendments

12 April 2023 published amendments

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: introduction

Link to SAFE team removed. Paragraph now states the following: It is important to ensure that any general payments on account are identified and treated correctly. Your local SAFE nominee can check what payments are held in SAFE.

4 April 2023 published amendments

Appendix 1: letters of offer

New guidance added in the form of the first three paragraphs

1 March 2023 published amendments

21 February 2023 published amendments

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Importance

Reference to Suspected Fraud Identification Process added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Purpose

Reference to Systems and Data Compliance or an Audit Specialist added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Work Programme

Reference to suspected fraud added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Understanding the Accounting System

Reference to Systems and Data Compliance or an Audit Specialist added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: When to Examine Records

Reference to taxpayer changed to customer

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Where to Seek a Meeting

reference to taxpayer changed to customer

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: At the Business Premises

Reference to Systems and Data Compliance or and Audit Specialist added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Removal of Documents

Reference to Suspected Fraud Idenfication Process added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Return of Documents

Reference to taxpayer removed and reference to Security and Information Business Partner (SIBP) Team added

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Planning: Advice to customer where Records Poor

Reference to taxpayer replaced with customer

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Tests to Apply: Sampling Techniques

Evasion removed and replaced with suspected fraud.

Examining Accounts: Records Examination - Tests to Apply: Authenticity of Records

Taxpayer changed to customer and reference to suspected fraud team added

10 February 2023 published amendments

Interest: SA 1996-1997 and Later Years

Two new paragraphs added under subheading 'Relevant dates'


12 December 2022 published amendments

28 November 2022 published amendments

3 November 2022 published amendments

Contract settlements: expected offer: instalments - forward interest

Reference to EM8642 added to the page

Contract settlements: letters of offer: detail - signature

Guidance for a company in liquidation added

2 November 2022 published amendments

Working the enquiry: reviewing earlier years: protective assessments

Changed the link from em3346 (this page is archived) to em3232.

wording change after link to em3232

26 October 2022 published amendments

19 October 2022 published amendments

11 October 2022 published amendments

3 October 2022 published amendments

26 September 2022 published amendments

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Form of Closure Notice

Guidance amended under subheading 'Final closure notices'

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Manual Closure Notice

Guidance amended under subheading 'What your manual final closure notice must include'

Opening the Enquiry: 'Discovery' Investigation Unavoidable

Guidance amended throughout

22 August 2022 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Taxpayer Amendments

Second to last bullet point amended

Contract settlements: acceptance: authorisation levels - WMBC Mid-Sized Businesses

MSB Direct Taxes team (not CEP) authorisation updated to G6 Direct tax manager or functional lead

MSB Direct Taxes team (not CEP) authorisation amended to MSB Direct tax G6

'MSB Direct Taxes team (not CEP)' row 'Authorised by' column entry amended

Concluding the Enquiry: Certificates of Full Disclosure: Completion

Reference to Certificate of disclosure amended to advise this is on front of the form

28 June 2022 published amendments

Concluding the Enquiry: Voluntary Restitution

Third bullet point in the first paragraph amended

22 June 2022 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: disclosing third party information

Replaced a broken link from the Enforcement Handbook to the FIS Handbook.

20 June 2022 published amendments

31 May 2022 published amendments

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Non-Partnership Aspects Only

Page archived - guidance no longer up-to-date and is going to be replaced 

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: contents

Page EM7045 archived

20 May 2022 published amendments

19 May 2022 published amendments

10 May 2022 published amendments

22 April 2022 published amendments

Discovery: contents

New page EM3267 added

New page EM3267 added

19 April 2022 published amendments

17 March 2022 published amendments

10 March 2022 published amendments

21 February 2022 published amendments

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual Handbook: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required

Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Enquiry Manual: recent changes

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Recent changes to this guidance

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Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

Enquiry Manual: update index

Page archived – Old legacy update page no longer required.

10 February 2022 published amendments

2 February 2022 published amendments

Contract settlements: overcoming delay

Link to page EM1360 has been removed from end of 2nd bullet as the page is showing as archived from the manual

19 January 2022 published amendments

17 January 2022 published amendments

5 January 2022 published amendments

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: authorisation required for ETL assessments

First paragraph under subheading 'Operational Instructions for Caseworkers' amended


9 December 2021 published amendments

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: making versus notifying

Second paragraph amended. And new third paragraph added

6 December 2021 published amendments

Enquiry Manual

Page is missing from the GOV.UK website - page re-published so that it gets re-published onto the GOV.UK website

23 November 2021 published amendments

Discovery: overview of discovery

Guidance amended

Discovery: legislation and time limits: meaning and HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation

Guidance amended

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: who makes it

Guidance amended

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: making an assessment - qualifying conditions - careless or deliberate behaviour

Guidance amended

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: was the information made available

Minor amendments

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: practice generally prevailing

Minor amendment

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: checking a potential discovery position - information powers - Schedule 36, FA 2008

Minor amendments

Discovery: making a discovery - whether there is a discovery: presumption of continuity

Minor amendments

Discovery: provisions for partnerships, CTSA and SDLT: discovery for partnerships

Minor amendment

Discovery: provisions for partnerships, CTSA and SDLT: CTSA discovery determinations

Guidance amended

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: qualifying conditions and evidence needed to issue a discovery assessment

Guidance amended

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: examples of where discovery assessments may and may not be made

New example 5 added

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: onus of proof for ETL assessments

Guidance amended

Discovery: staleness

Page title and guidance amended

Discovery: operational restrictions

Minor amendments

Working the enquiry: reviewing earlier years: outstanding returns: determination of tax:

Links to DMBM pages fixed

12 October 2021 published amendments

5 October 2021 published amendments

29 September 2021 published amendments

21 September 2021 published amendments

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Defaulting Taxpayer

WI334537 - amended the Northampton DMO to 'Debt Management Unit' as per request from Mash Patel

31 August 2021 published amendments

Penalties: Failure to Notify Chargeability: All Years

Amended under subheading 'Form of Notification'

1 June 2021 published amendments

Discovery: staleness

Guidance amended throughout

14 May 2021 published amendments

13 May 2021 published amendments

Discovery: contents

New page EM3266 added

27 April 2021 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits - Qualifying conditions to be a small group

Guidance amended under subheading 'Qualifying conditions'

23 March 2021 published amendments

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: examples of where discovery assessments may and may not be made

Final sentence of the first paragraph under the subheading 'Example 1 - Pre-enquiry years' amended

12 March 2021 published amendments

3 March 2021 published amendments

Discovery: provisions for partnerships, CTSA and SDLT: discovery for partnerships

Guidance amended under subheadings 'General' and 'Relationship between s29 discovery assessments and s30B discovery amendments'

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Example

Guidance amended under subheading 'The Enquiry Opening'

17 February 2021 published amendments

Examining Accounts: False Invoices

Guidance extensively amended

10 February 2021 published amendments

3 February 2021 published amendments

Contract settlements: Deeds

Third paragraph amended under subheading 'When should I consider the use of a Deed?'

29 January 2021 published amendments

Interest: Mitigation

Final link updated

18 January 2021 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits

Text amended from 'recorded delivery' to 'tracked delivery'

11 January 2021 published amendments

Discovery: legislation and time limits: meaning and HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation

Guidance amended under subheading 'Careless and Deliberate behaviour'


17 December 2020 published amendments

11 December 2020 published amendments

25 November 2020 published amendments

17 November 2020 published amendments

30 October 2020 published amendments

27 October 2020 published amendments

Discovery: legislation and time limits: meaning and HMRC’s interpretation of the legislation

New second paragraph added under subheading 'Normal Time Limit'. And new final paragraph added under subheading 'Extended Time Limits'

Concluding the Enquiry: Calculation of Duty Lost: Years to be Included

Final paragraph amended

30 September 2020 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits - Examples

Amendment made to the second paragraph

9 September 2020 published amendments

Discovery: overview of discovery

Final paragraph amended

8 September 2020 published amendments

7 September 2020 published amendments

24 August 2020 published amendments

Reports to Authorising Officers: General

Guidance amended throughout

Opening the Enquiry: communications: timing of issue of factsheets

Entries in the table added for CC/FS22, and DSC1 and DSC2

12 August 2020 published amendments

4 August 2020 published amendments

10 July 2020 published amendments

Interest: Mitigation

Guidance amended throughout

4 May 2020 published amendments

24 March 2020 published amendments

19 February 2020 published amendments

17 February 2020 published amendments

Discovery: staleness

First sentence under the 'Corporate discovery' subheading amended

11 February 2020 published amendments

Discovery: staleness

Guidance on page redacted

5 February 2020 published amendments

Discovery: introduction

Page title and guidance entirely re-written

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: qualifying conditions and evidence needed to issue a discovery assessment

Page title and guidance re-written

Discovery: issuing discovery assessments: contents

Section title amended and all pages have been entirely rewritten and retitled

Discovery: staleness

Page title and guidance entirely re-written

Discovery: operational restrictions

Page title and guidance entirely re-written

Discovery: contents

Section title and page titles and guidance entirely re-written

Partnerships: contents

Section EM7100 archived and replaced by the new EM3200 Discovery section

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Contents

Pages EM8040 and EM8045 archived and replaced by the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: Conditions

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: Statement of Practice 01/06

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: Obvious Errors

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: Examples where Discovery Assessments may be made

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: SA Time Limits

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: SA Time Limits for Deceased Persons

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in Pre-SA Years: Contents

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in Pre-SA Years: Outline

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in Pre-SA Years: Further Assessments

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in Pre-SA Years: Time Limits

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in Pre-SA Years: Assessment under Appeal

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in Pre-SA Years: Conditions - Cenlon and Olin

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery - Meaning and Interpretation

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery - Unexplained Savings

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery - Extending an Enquiry

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Tax Cases: Contents

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Tax Cases: Jonas v Bamford 51TC1

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Tax Cases: Rosette Franks (King Street) Limited v Dick 36TC100

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Tax Cases: Nicholson v Morris 51TC95

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Tax Cases: Bi-Flex Caribbean Ltd v The Board of Inland Revenue 63TC515

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Review of Working Cases

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening earlier years: assessments: concealed sources

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening earlier years: assessments: authorisation required for ETL assessments

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Purpose

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Notification to Taxpayer

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Onus of Proof for ETL assessments

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Contents

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Timing of Consequential Amendments

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Practical Approach

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Returns not Filed

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Discovery Investigations Unavoidable

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Amendments and Assessments

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Protective Amendments

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Appeals

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Year 1996/97

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Contents

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Legislative Framework

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Determination of Tax or Losses

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Discovery Determinations - Examples

Page archived - replaced by the guidance in the new EM3200 Discovery section

8 January 2020 published amendments

Introduction: types of enquiry: general

Guidance amended throughout

Introduction: types of enquiry: HMRC classification

Guidance and title of page amended

Working the Enquiry: extending the scope of the enquiry

Guidance and title of page amended

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: introduction

Guidance amended throughout

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: reallocating and repaying

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: procedures

Guidance amended throughout

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: how to process a payment on account

Guidance amended throughout

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: fraudulent, dishonest or deliberate behaviour

Guidance amended throughout

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: contents

New page added - EM1941

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: introduction

Guidance amended throughout

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: appeals - what must be considered before a partial closure notice can be issued

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: appeals - taxpayer’s right to apply to the tribunal for a partial closure notice

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: partners and partnerships

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: taxpayer amendments

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: completing issues where there are no tax consequences

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: contents

New pages added - EM2166, EM2167, EM2168 and EM2169

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Contents

New page added - EM3831A

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: When is an SA Enquiry Legally Completed and Amendments Valid

Guidance in the final two paragraphs removed

Concluding the Enquiry: Non-Contract Settlements: Allocating general payments on account

Guidance amended throughout. And page title amended


23 October 2019 published amendments

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Defaulting Taxpayer

Guidance amended under subheading '1. Most cases - a Debt Management matter'

22 October 2019 published amendments

20 August 2019 published amendments

5 August 2019 published amendments

15 July 2019 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Information Request: Outline

The guidance in the third paragraph has been amended

14 June 2019 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - accounting: what you must do before you issue a letter of acceptance

Guidance under the subheading '2. Action for the certifying officer' amended

24 May 2019 published amendments

2 May 2019 published amendments

Companies: Employer Compliance

Third from last paragraph amended

Close Companies: Directors: Private Expenses

Third paragraph, final sentence amended

10 April 2019 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Filing Dates for Individuals, Trustees and Partnerships

Amended throughout and to also include guidance on voluntary returns

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits - Examples

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits - Return Issued after 31 October

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits - Examples

Amended throughout and to also include guidance on voluntary returns

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: Amendments - Examples of Time Limits

Amended throughout

Penalties: Failure to Make a Return: All Years: Unsolicited Returns

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Penalties: Incorrect Returns, Accounts etc: Approach

Fifth and the final paragraph amended

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: General

Amended throughout and to also include guidance on voluntary returns

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Delivering a Return of CT Profits

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Penalties for Late Delivery of a CT Return

Amended to include guidance on voluntary returns

Companies: Rights and Obligations: Amending a Return

Amended throughout

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: No Nomination

Section page title amended

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: Individual Partner - Share of Profits

Section page title amended

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: Appeals

Section page title amended

Partnerships: Nominated, Representative or Reporting Partner: Contents

Section page title amended

27 February 2019 published amendments

Penalties: Time Limits: Deceased Persons

Both links in the first paragraph amended

4 February 2019 published amendments

Penalties: Incorrect Returns, Accounts etc: Approach

Second to last paragraph amended

25 January 2019 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - general

Guidance amended in the second paragraph, sixth paragraph (including two new bullet points) and last paragraph where a new third bullet point has been added

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - company offers & S455 liabilities

Final paragraph amended

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - handling general payments on account

Guidance amended under the 'Locking payments' and 'Unlocking payments' subheadings

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - amending a charge

Guidance amended in the fourth, fifth and final paragraphs

14 January 2019 published amendments

Working the enquiry: meetings: general

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - attendance at the meeting

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - attendance at the meeting - holding a joint meeting with the taxpayer’s spouse or partner

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - planning for meetings

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - planning for meetings involving a business enquiry

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: preparing for the meeting - where to hold meetings

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: the correct approach to meetings

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: how to bring a meeting to a close

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: settlement meetings

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Working the enquiry: meetings: tips for face to face meetings

Page entirely re-written and title amended

Contract settlements: contents

Page EM6375 and Contents page EM6380, and all the pages within the EM6380 section, archived following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Working the Enquiry: contents

Contents page EM1870, and the pages within that section, archived following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Working the enquiry: meetings: contents

All the pages within this section have been archived and replaced by new pages following the entire re-write of this section

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: General

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Agendas or Request for Questions in Advance

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Presence of an Agent

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Conduct at a Private Residence

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Notes of Meeting

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Agreement of Notes with Taxpayer

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Testing Explanations - Non-Taxable Sources

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Testing Explanations - Trader or Director

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Testing Explanations - Use of Evidence Held

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Construction Industry Scheme Abuse

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Visits to Third Parties

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the enquiry: meetings: spouses, civil partners and domestic partners

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the enquiry: meetings: spouses and partners confidentiality

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the enquiry: meetings: spouses, civil partners and domestic partners - disclosure and forms of authority

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Overcoming Objections to Attending Meetings

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Meetings - Agent Only

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meetings: Contents

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meetings: Preparation for Full Business Reviews

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meeting: Approach

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meetings: No Agent Acting

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meetings: No Admissions

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meetings: Evaluation of Information Provided

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Human Intelligence (HumInt) Sources

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Working the Enquiry: Opening Meetings: Conclusion

Page archived - the EM1820 - Meetings section has been entirely re-written

Contract settlements: no settlement meeting

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Contract Settlements: Settlement Meeting: Contents

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Contract Settlements: Settlement Meeting: General

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Contract Settlements: Settlement Meeting: Establishing Culpability

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Contract Settlements: Settlement Meeting: Culpability Disputed

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Contract Settlements: Settlement Meeting: Offer Made

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

Contract Settlements: Settlement Meeting: Future Conduct

Page archived - this guidance is no longer relevant following the entire re-write of the EM1820 - Meetings section

11 January 2019 published amendments

Penalties: Failure to Notify Chargeability: 1995/6 and SA Years

The text in the two bullet points after the second paragraph have been amended

7 January 2019 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Interest: Basis of Calculation

Fourth paragraph amended regarding how to calculate interest


20 December 2018 published amendments

14 December 2018 published amendments

Human Rights Act 1998 and Enquiries

Guidance amended - this section from pages EM1351 to EM1395 has now been archived because the guidance can be found in the Compliance Handbook

Working the Enquiry: Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) - Powers, Safeguards and Procedures

Pages EM1807, EM1808 and EM1809 removed and their contents amalgomated into this page, EM1806

Working the Enquiry: Taxpayer Amendments

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Joint applications to the tribunal during an enquiry

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Jeopardy Amendments: Appeals

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: Statute

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: General Approach

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: Following Opening Letter and Request for Information

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: All Information Received Examined

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Information and Inspection Powers

Guidance amended - replaces guidance that was formerly in pages EM2200 to EM2450

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: Examples where Discovery Assessments may be made

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Elements of CTSA Closure Notices

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Form of Closure Notice

Final paragraph amended where is states 'steps 14 to 16' to 'steps 18 to 20'

Concluding the Enquiry: Class 4 NIC

Guidance extensively re-written

Concluding the Enquiry: Non Contract Settlements: Introduction

Link to EM1020 removed

Interest: Mitigation

Two new links added (SAM60020+ and COM82020+) and new final sentence added to the last paragraph

Contract settlements: general

Guidance extensively re-written to take acccount of Settlement by Deed

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Extra Abatement for Disclosure

Guidance amended due to the introduction of the 10% penalty restriction

Contract settlements: acceptance: authorisation levels - WMBC Mid-Sized Businesses

Guidance extensively amended

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Procedures When Repayment Due

Guidance amended

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Consequential Amendments

Amended throughout

Close Companies: Settlement: Employment Income Route: Regulation 72 Direction

Major amendments made

Working the enquiry: partial closure notices: appeals - what must be considered before a partial closure notice can be issued

Link to CH282075 amended to CH279600

13 December 2018 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - handling general payments on account

First two bullet points and final sentence amended in the 'Unlocking payments' part

7 November 2018 published amendments

31 October 2018 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: No Evidence of Taxable Source

Guidance amended within the second box of the 'Action' column in the table

11 October 2018 published amendments

Introduction: types of enquiry: general

Links amended - CH402150+ amended to CH290000+ and CH402170 amended to CH290100

Introduction: types of enquiry: HMRC classification

Links amended - CH402150+ amended to CH290000+, CH402170 amended to CH290100 and CH402180 amended to CH290200

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: fraudulent, dishonest or deliberate behaviour

Link amended - CH402150 amended to CH290000

1 October 2018 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: CTSA Time Limits - The group anniversary target

Second paragraph amended under the 'Companies in a group that is not small' subheading

27 July 2018 published amendments

Contract settlements: overcoming delay

Final paragraph amended

5 July 2018 published amendments

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: procedures

Amendments made to the first and third bullet points to make the guidance clearer

27 June 2018 published amendments

Contract settlements: expected offer: instalments - arrangements

Amendments made to the subheading and text under 'Instalment period exceeding 3 years' from '2 years' to '3 years'

Interest: Bankruptcy and Liquidation

Guidance page completely re-written

25 June 2018 published amendments

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Notification to Taxpayer

The first bullet point amended to include a second sentence

25 May 2018 published amendments

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Formal Procedures

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Specimen Letter for Linking Documents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Specimen Letter Examples

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Inaccuracies

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Relevant Lawyers (Barristers, Solicitors, Advocates & Other Legal Representatives)

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Legal Professional Privilege

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Definitions: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Definitions: Documents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Definitions: Documents in his Possession or Power

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Definitions: Documents Relating to a Tax Appeal

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Definitions: Particulars

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Definitions: Personal Records or Journalistic Material

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Tax Cases: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Tax Cases: Johnson v Blackpool Commissioners and CIR, 70 TC 1

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Tax Cases: R v CIR ex parte Archon Shipping Corporation and Others, 71 TC 203

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Tax Cases: R v CIR ex parte Davis Frankel and Mead TCR4/01 73 TC 185

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Tax Cases: Kempton v Special Commissioners and C.I.R. 66 TC 249

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

24 May 2018 published amendments

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: What Can You Ask For in a S19A or Para 6 Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Notices - Example 1

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Notices - Example 2

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: What Can You Ask For in a Para 27 Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Time to Comply with the Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: What Cannot be Included on the Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Paragraph 27 Notices

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: ‘Private' Bank and Building Society Accounts

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Private Accounts - Relevant Factors

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Private Accounts - Timing of Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Relevance of 'Private' Accounts to the Return

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Appeals

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Professionals

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Accountants ‘Link Papers’

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Regulation 10 (SI 1994 nos. 1811/2)

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Professionals: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Professionals: TMA70/S19A and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27 - General

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Professionals: TMA70/S19A and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27 - Medical Records

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Professionals: TMA70/S19A and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: What Constitutes a Medical Professional and a Medical Record

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Professionals: Legal Professional Privilege (LPP)

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Computerised Records: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Computerised Records: Introduction

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Computerised Records: Practical Approach

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Computerised Records: Records Received Beyond Those Requested

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Bank Mandates: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information powers: bank mandates: introduction

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Bank Mandates: Specimen Form of Authority

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information powers: bank mandates: initial approach to bank

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Bank Mandates: Specimen Letter to Bank Managers

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Particular Banks

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Bank Mandates: Visit to Branch

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Outline

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Statistics

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: HMRC Commissioners’ Notices

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Head Office Powers

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Checklist for S20(1) Notices

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: What can you Ask For

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Authorised Officers

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Authorisation

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Opportunity for the Taxpayer to Provide Information

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Is a Formal Notice Required?

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Preparatory Work before Seeking Consent from a Commissioner

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Presentation to the Commissioner

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Written Summary to Taxpayer

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Compliance with the Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Offer to Inspect Documents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Non-Compliance with a Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Checklist for Section 20(3) Notices

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Documents from Persons Other than the Taxpayer

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Time Limits for Third Party Notices

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information powers: TMA70/S20: persons on whom section 20(3) notices can be served

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Communications Service Providers

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information powers: TMA70/S20: information from spouses, civil partners or domestic partners

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Opportunity for the Third Party to Supply Information

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Copy of Notice and Written Summary to Taxpayer

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Non-Compliance with a Section 20(3) Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Checklist for Section 20(3) Notices to Banks

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Application of Section 20(3) to Clearing Banks

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information powers: TMA70/S20: section 20(3) alternatives

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Documents from Banks

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Serving Informal Notices

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Informal Notices to Banks

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Is a Formal Notice Required

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Are Documents Confidential to the Bank Essential?

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Compliance with Notices by Banks

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Falsification or Destruction of Documents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Introduction

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Definitions

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: HMRC Approach

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

23 May 2018 published amendments

Information Powers before 1 April 2009

The entire EMAPP3 section (pages EM10000 to EM10214) has been archived because the guidance is now out of date

Information Powers: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Manual and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: Introduction

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Manual and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Contents

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Summary of the Legislation

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Checklist

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Has the Taxpayer Provided Information Voluntarily

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S19A, TMA70/SCH1A/PARA 6 and FA98/SCH18/PARA 27: Who Can Issue a Notice

Page archived - guidance now out of date and replaced by the guidance in section CH20000 of the Compliance Handbook and, for guidance on information powers before 1 April 2009, EM2200

1 May 2018 published amendments

Information Powers: Introduction

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: SA & CTSA Enquiry powers: Contents

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Contents

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: SA & CTSA Enquiry powers: Appeals

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: SA & CTSA Enquiry powers: Appeals to the Tribunal

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: SA & CTSA Enquiry powers: Complying with the notice

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: SA & CTSA Enquiry powers: Produce documents

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: SA & CTSA Enquiry powers: Failure to comply with a notice

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Checklist for S20(1) Notices

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Compliance with the Notice

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Offer to Inspect Documents

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Non-Compliance with a Notice

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Checklist for Section 20(3) Notices

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Non-Compliance with a Section 20(3) Notice

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Compliance with Notices by Banks

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Falsification or Destruction of Documents

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Inaccuracies in accountant's working papers

Page archived - guidance is now out of date and as been replaced by the guidance on page EM2200

24 April 2018 published amendments

Working the enquiry: general payments on account: how to process a payment on account

Second bullet point under subheading 'Payment by cheque' amended

17 April 2018 published amendments

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): How does the Human Rights Act 1998 affect HMRC

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 8: Impact on HMRC

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 8: Activity must be Proportionate

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 8: Information gathering

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 6: Background

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 6: HMRC penalties

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 6: FA2007 and FA2008 penalties

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 6: What to do when you identify a potential offence

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA): Article 6: What you must do when a penalty may be due

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: How to tell the person about penalties and their rights

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: Culpability

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: Message to convey

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: Delay

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: King v UK

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: Taxpayer refuses to co-operate

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

Human Rights Act: Article 6: Deceased Taxpayers

Page archived - guidance already included in the Compliance Handbook

16 April 2018 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Information Request: Outline

Amended to include guidance on what to do when you have already opened an enquiry

16 February 2018 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Factors

Guidance amended due to the introduction of the 10% penalty restriction

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Disclosure

Guidance amended due to the introduction of the 10% penalty restriction

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Failure to Notify Chargeability

Guidance amended due to the introduction of the 10% penalty restriction

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Seriousness

Guidance amended due to the introduction of the 10% penalty restriction

15 February 2018 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - general

Second bullet point in the seventh paragraph has been amended

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - lump sum offers with more than 30 days to pay

Date in the second to last bullet point on the page amended from 13/02/08 to 13/01/08

24 January 2018 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: CTSA Time Limits

Page amended to remove the text and link to page EM1521

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: Amendments - Examples of Time Limits

Example 3 deleted as no longer required

23 January 2018 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: RIPA: Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000

Page archived - contents now amalgamated into page EM1806

Working the Enquiry: RIPA: Acquisition of Communications Data - RIPA Part I Chapter II section 21

Page archived - contents now amalgamated into page EM1806

Working the Enquiry: RIPA: Directed Surveillance - RIPA Part II

Page archived - contents now amalgamated into page EM1806

3 January 2018 published amendments

Interest: Bankruptcy and Liquidation

Warning message added to indicate the guidance on the page is incorrect and is being re-written


14 December 2017 published amendments

Contract settlements: contents

New page added - EM6001a

23 November 2017 published amendments

17 November 2017 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: Amendments

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: contents

New section added - 'Partial closure notices'

Working the Enquiry: Jeopardy Amendments: Conditions

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: Administration

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: Repeated Applications

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Working the Enquiry: Closure Applications: Consequences of Tribunal Decision

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: Conditions

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Introduction

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Elements of partial and final SA Closure Notices

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Notice to reflect all matters to which an enquiry relates

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: What does not constitute a Closure Notice

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Figures used in Closure Notice

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Timing of Final Closure Notice - General

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Timing of Final Closure Notice - No Co-operation

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Calculating the Amount of Tax on an SA Partial or Final Closure Notice

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Examples of the Amount of Tax on SA Closure Notices

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: When is an SA Enquiry Legally Completed and Amendments Valid

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: SA Closure Notice Returned

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: SA Final Closure Notice - No Amendment Necessary

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: SA Closure Notice - Standard Form

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Final SA Closure Notice - Claim/Election not in Return

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Final SA Closure Notice - Interaction with Jeopardy Amendments

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding an Enquiry: SA Legislation: Appeals against Jeopardy or Closure Notices

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Further Information

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Form of Closure Notice

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Manual Closure Notice

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Amounts to be Included in Closure Notices

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Consequential Amendments to Returns for Other Periods

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Return for the Wrong Period

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: CTSA - Example of Return for the Wrong Period

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Penalties: formal assessments and determinations: discussions with the taxpayer: when to take formal action: steps to take when agreement cannot be reached

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Contract settlements: general

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Opening an Enquiry: Effect on Partners' Individual Returns

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Closure Application

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Jeopardy Amendments - Completion Applications and Appeals

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Discovery Investigations Unavoidable

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Legislative Framework

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: How to Conclude an Enquiry - Examples

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Form of Closure Notice

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Consequential Amendments

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Partners' Returns

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

Partnerships: Concluding Enquiries: Example

Amended due to partial closure notice legislation

1 November 2017 published amendments

Penalties: Culpability - Defences: Reasonable Excuse -Introduction

Guidance updated to correct HMRC's view of reasonable excuse

29 September 2017 published amendments

Introduction: Self Assessment Tax System: Outline

New fourth paragraph added under the 'Notify Chargeability' part regrding simple assessment

Introduction: types of enquiry: general

New second paragraph added regarding simple assessments

26 September 2017 published amendments

8 August 2017 published amendments

4 August 2017 published amendments

Partnerships: Contract Settlements

The guidance on pages EM7410 and EM7411 have been merged into this one page and page EM7411 has been archived

Partnerships: Contract Settlements - SA Years

Page archived - guidance merged with the guidance on page EM7410

Partnerships: contents

Page EM7411 archived and removed from this contents page

1 August 2017 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits

Minor amendment to the third paragraph under the 'Amendments' subheading to make it clearer

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits - Examples

Second date changed from '01/05/03' to '30/04/03' in Example 3

27 July 2017 published amendments

Concluding the Enquiry: Voluntary Restitution

Final bullet point in the first paragraph amended

4 July 2017 published amendments

Information Powers: Particular Banks

Address to send the Barclays Bank plc / Woolwich plc mandate has been amended

26 June 2017 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Jeopardy Amendments: Introduction

Guidance extensively amended

Working the Enquiry: Jeopardy Amendments: Conditions

First paragraph amended and new final paragraph

Working the enquiry: jeopardy amendments: when to make

Guidance extensively re-written

Working the Enquiry: Jeopardy Amendments: The Notice

Guidance extensively re-written

Working the Enquiry: Jeopardy Amendments: Appeals

Guidance extensively re-written

23 June 2017 published amendments

20 June 2017 published amendments

Opening the Enquiry: Statute: ITSA Time Limits

Additional guidance under the 'Receipt of Notice' part

9 June 2017 published amendments

7 June 2017 published amendments

Working the enquiry: reviewing earlier years: limits

New first paragraph added immediately before the 'Up to £1,000' part of the guidance

3 April 2017 published amendments

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Notification to Taxpayer

New second paragraph added under the 'Explanation letter' part regarding which legislation the assessment is being issued under

28 March 2017 published amendments

Reopening Earlier Years: Assessments: Notification to Taxpayer

Page extensively amended

Fixed link to SAM20061

14 March 2017 published amendments

Interest: Mitigation

Link to the "Complaints and putting things right" factsheet created

6 March 2017 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: General

Guidance extensively amended

28 February 2017 published amendments

23 February 2017 published amendments

Partnerships: Discovery Provisions: Discovery Investigations Unavoidable

Page title amended from 'Discovery Enquiries Unavoidable' to 'Discovery Investigations Unavoidable'

21 February 2017 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - accounting: what you must do before you issue a letter of acceptance

The guidance regarding 'SAFE printout' has been removed from the '1. Local Compliance caseworker compiles settlement papers' part

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - handling general payments on account

Two new bullet points added after the first paragraph under the 'Unlocking payments' part

15 February 2017 published amendments

14 February 2017 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - accounting: what you must do before you issue a letter of acceptance

The last bullet point within the 'Documents to be listed or placed in a settlement folder:' paragraph amended to remove the words ' an HO or above'

8 February 2017 published amendments


20 December 2016 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - general

The term 'PID' replaced by 'Unique Case Identifier' where appropriate

8 December 2016 published amendments

Contract settlements: acceptance - letter of acceptance

Last five sentences on the page have been amended

25 November 2016 published amendments

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Defaulting Taxpayer

Link to EM1020 removed

Second bullet point amended to remove the words '...or Centralised SAFE team...'

2 November 2016 published amendments

Working the enquiry: Consider your enquiry’s impact on tax credits and child benefit

Amendments made throughout the page to include reference to child benefit and benefits

Concluding the enquiry: Tax Credits: Reporting your findings to Benefits and Credits

Page entirely amended

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - general

Link to EM1020 removed

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - company offers & S455 liabilities

Link to EM1020 removed

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - handling general payments on account

Link to EM1020 removed

Contract settlements: acceptance: SAFE - amending a charge

Link to EM1020 removed

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Calculation Of Relief

Link to EM1020 removed

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Procedures When Repayment Due

Link to EM1020 removed

Contract Settlement: Post Settlement Issues - Reopening a Settlement: Defaulting Taxpayer

Link to EM1020 removed

Recalculating Profits: VAT: Liaison

Link to EM0901 removed

Opening the Enquiry: statute: single enquiry - case owner

Links to EM0320 and EM0901 removed

Companies: Enquiries into Directors and Participators: Directors’ Returns and Concealed Income

Link to EM0860 removed

Reopening Earlier Years: Discovery in SA Years: SA Time Limits for Deceased Persons

Link to EM0755 removed

Working the Enquiry: general approach

Link to EM0400 and EM0303 removed

Information Powers: TMA70/S20: Accountant's Working Papers: Formal Procedures

Links to EM0400 and EM0320 removed

Penalties: culpability: fraud and fraudulent conduct

Links to EM0361 and EM0303 removed

7 October 2016 published amendments

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Shares & Assets Valuation: what Shares & Assets Valuation do

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Shares & Assets Valuation: contacting Shares & Assets Valuation

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Shares & Assets Valuation: pre enquiry references to Shares & Assets Valuation

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Shares & Assets Valuation: post enquiry Shares & Assets Valuation investigations

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Shares & Assets Valuation: contentious valuations by Shares & Assets Valuation

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Shares & Assets Valuation: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: the role of the High Net Worth Unit

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: CT and VAT: The Role of CT and VAT

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: CT and VAT: Specialist International / Finance

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: CT and VAT: Specialist International / Finance CFCs and Transfer Pricing

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Determine who can support the enquiry: CT and VAT: Specialist International / Finance Closure notices

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Determine who can support the enquiry: CT and VAT: The Role Of The Underlying Tax Group

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: CT and VAT: Contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Stamp Duty Land Tax: The Role Of Stamp Duty Land Tax

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Debt Management and Banking: debt management

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Debt Management and Banking: DMB contacts

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Debt Management and Banking: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Valuation Office Agency Advice: Valuation Office Agency

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Valuation Office Agency Advice: Contacting the Valuer before an Enquiry

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Valuation Office Agency Advice: Valuation Enquiries

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Valuation Office Agency Advice: Contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: contents

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6 October 2016 published amendments

Determine who can support the enquiry: who can give you support

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Evasion Referral Teams

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: co-ordination between offices

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Central Policy Tax Administration Advice

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: where to go for support: contents

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: What Specialist Investigations do

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: The Role of Specialist Investigations

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: Suspected serious fraud cases worked by Specialist Investigations

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: Joint working of avoidance projects with Local Compliance

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: SI credit for cases

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: SI Service Level Agreements

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: Insolvency interventions

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: Offshore Coordination Unit

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Investigations: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Introduction to Dealing with Avoidance Schemes

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Spotting Avoidance Schemes

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Handling Enquiries into Avoidance Schemes

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Bespoke Avoidance Schemes

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Anti Avoidance Group Clearance And Counteraction Team

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Non Disclosure or Non Notification of a Scheme

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Avoidance Schemes: Contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Risk And Intelligence: Exchange of Information with Overseas Tax Authorities

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Risk And Intelligence: Business Information Unit

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Risk And Intelligence: Contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Criminal Investigations: A Background to Criminal Investigation

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Criminal Investigations: Identification of Criminal Investigation Case

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Criminal Investigations: referral of Criminal Investigation cases

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Criminal Investigations: Contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: their role

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: an introduction to residence status

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: claims made during the course of an enquiry

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: the role of Personal Tax International Compliance Teams

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: the role of the Personal Tax International (Advisory) Team

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: enquiries involving non-residence not ordinarily resident status

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: enquiries into domicile claims

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: limit on income chargeable on non-residents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: residence and domicile: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: double taxation claims: relief on royalties for overseas concerns

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: double taxation claims: dividend relief claims from overseas parent companies

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: double taxation claims: claims To relief on loan interest by overseas concerns

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: double taxation claims: timing of claims to relief on loan interest by overseas concerns

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: double taxation claims: information requests about claims to double taxation relief

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: double taxation claims: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: non resident trusts

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: non resident landlord scheme

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: Foreign Entertainers Unit

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: European Economic Interest Groupings

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Personal Tax International: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Savings And Audit: the role of Savings and Audit

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Savings And Audit: bank and building society interest

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Savings And Audit: individual saving accounts

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Savings And Audit: audit

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Savings And Audit: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: what is chargeable to inheritance tax

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: what is exempt from inheritance tax

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: thresholds for inheritance tax

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: information Specialist Personal Tax - Inheritance Tax can provide

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: enquiring into the affairs of a deceased person

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: chargeable life transfers

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: chargeable lifetime transfers involving trusts

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: chargeable lifetime transfers involving close companies

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Inheritance Tax: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Pension Schemes Services: the role of Pension Schemes Services

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Pension Schemes Services: enquiry work involving Pension Schemes Services

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Pension Schemes Services: information held by Pension Schemes Services

Page archived - no longer relevant

Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Pension Schemes Services: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Trusts: trusts introduction

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Trusts: who deals with trusts compliance work

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Trusts: the role of entitlement Legislation in Non Trust Situations

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Trusts: who deals with estates compliance work

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Charity, Assets & Residence: Trusts: trusts technical specialists

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Trusts: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Charities: how charities are dealt with in Specialist Personal Tax

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Charities: when HMRC Charities would like to hear from you

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Charities: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Capital Gains: Capital Gains Technical Group

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Capital Gains: contents

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Employees Shares and Securities Unit: who are Employee Shares and Securities Unit

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Employees Shares and Securities Unit: what are employee shares and securities

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Employees Shares and Securities Unit: dealing with formal share schemes

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Employee Shares and Securities Unit: what Employee Shares and Securities Unit do

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Determine who can support the enquiry: Specialist Personal Tax: Employees Shares and Securities Unit: contents

Page archived - no longer relevant

30 September 2016 published amendments

Working the Enquiry: Meetings: Notes of Meeting

COG11610 link in first paragraph amended to CH203510 due to the guidance being moved from the Compliance Operational Guidance to the Compliance Handbook

20 September 2016 published amendments

19 September 2016 published amendments

Concluding the Enquiry: SA Legislation: Elements of partial and final SA Closure Notices

Final sentence regarding approval of closure notices removed

2 September 2016 published amendments

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Disclosure

Update due to changes to offshore matters

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Extra Abatement for Disclosure

Update due to changes to offshore matters

Contract Settlements: Penalties: Abatement - Seriousness

Update due to changes to offshore matters

25 August 2016 published amendments

18 August 2016 published amendments

Examining Accounts: Record Examination - Tests to Apply: Work done by the Accountant

Second paragraph regarding further background notes removed

9 August 2016 published amendments

Contract settlements: expected offer

Amendments made throughout the page