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Updates: Export Procedures


29 September 2023 published amendments

Non statistical exports: overview

Link to 'UK Trade Tariff: excise duties, reliefs, drawbacks and allowances' amended

5 April 2023 published amendments

Introduction: appeals

Southend office address removed and Newcastle address added


11 May 2021 published amendments

Introduction: abbreviations

BAU & EU updates to Abbreviations / Acronyms
BAU & EU update to abbreviations

Introduction: glossary

Glossary. Updates to BAU & EU / Union references removed
Glossary updates BAU & EU
Glossary updates BAU & EU

10 May 2021 published amendments

Introduction: appeals

Minor update to GOV.UK link

Minor update to link

BAU update to Appeals process
EU guidance updates

Introduction: the law

Paragraph added at the beginning of the page re Union Customs Code (UCC)

Updates to the law regulations and EU references removed
Updates to law regulations

Introduction: penalties for failing to comply with export rules and regulations

Regulation update & changes to BAU compliance requirements
EU guidance updates

Introduction: risks

EU guidance update

7 May 2021 published amendments

Introduction: coverage

Reference to EIDR put back in guidance this was removed in error.

Introduction: roles and responsibilities

BAU changes made to processes and applications and also EU / Union references removed.
EU guidance update

6 May 2021 published amendments

Introduction: coverage

EIDR & CSE added.
Reference to CDS added
Reference to CDS added

Introduction: scope of this guidance

Out of date content removed
EU guidance update

4 January 2021 published amendments

Introduction: contents

GDPR paragraph and links

GDPR paragraph