GIM8040 - Reinsurance and other forms of risk transfer: types of reinsurance: proportional reinsurance: quota share reinsurance example

A direct insurer writes the following contracts:

Policy Sum insured £ Premium (100%)
1 25,000 200
2 50,000 300
3 100,000 500

Under a 30% Quota Share reinsurance contract the following sums would be reinsured on each contract:

Policy Sum insured £ Premium (100%) Sum reinsured £ Premium to Quota Share
1 25,000 200 7,500 60
2 50,000 300 15,000 90
3 100,000 500 30,000 150

A claim of £12,000 on policy 1 would result in the reinsurer paying £3,600 (30% of £12,000).

A claim of £35,000 on policy 2 would result in the reinsurer paying £10,500 (30% of £35,000).

A claim of £60,000 on policy 3 would result in the reinsurer paying £18,000 (30% of £60,000).