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HMAG60900 - Excise Movement and Control System: EMCS Messages Table

Message reference Description
IE801 eAD
IE802 Reminder message for excise movement (where we have set a timer, for example for a CoD) following a partial refusal or an outstanding RoR
IE803 Notification of a diverted movement (change of consignee and/or place of delivery
IE807 Interruption of movement (where goods have been seized - used to ‘close’ the movement on EMCS
IE810 Cancellation of an eAD
IE813 Change of Destination
IE815 Submitted draft of an eAD
IE818 Report of receipt / export
IE819 Alert or rejection of an eAD (rejection of the message - do not confuse this with refusal of the goods on the RoR)
IE820 History results
IE821 List of eADs as a result of a general query
IE825 Submitted draft of a splitting operation (energy products only)
IE829 Notification of accepted export (where we have done a physical check or EMC/ECS cross check and there are no discrepancies)
IE837 Explanation on delay for delivery
IE838 History of a movement
IE839 Customs rejection of an eAD (where we find a discrepancy between EMCS and ECS declarations (can be physical or documentary/electronic cross check)
IE840 Event report
IE861 Basis for recovery of duty
IE867 Administrative Cooperation results
IE868 Answer message (for administrative cooperation)
IE869 Reminder message (for administrative cooperation)
IE871 Explanation on reason for shortage
IE905 Notification of manual closure (sent by NSD to consignor and consignee where movement started in the UK and it has now been manually closed on EMCS)
IE907 Interruption message