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HMDS2724 - Procedure for Ordering and Obtaining Duty Stamps: Type B Stamps

Traders place an order for the required number of copies of the label design in a similar way as they would order Type A stamps. HMRC’s contractor issues the requested numberof CD ROMs (or similar medium) containing the label design. A separate copy of the design may be required for each printer that a registered trader intends to use to produce labels. The label stamps are produced by the industry’s existing label printers, who incorporate the design specification from the CD ROM into the labels. The same procedure applies if the trader was based in the UK or overseas.

The CD ROM(s) are delivered to the trader by the contracted printer, at the address specified at the time of the order. Again, as for freestanding stamps, upon delivery of the CD ROM(s), a signature is obtained to confirm receipt and any discrepancy reported to HMRC’s contractor within 1 business day.

A trader acquiring the label design is prohibited from passing that design on to anyone else except in the circumstances covered in HMDS2630.