This manual will be archived on 3 March 2025 when the Warehousekeepers and Owners of Warehoused Goods Regulations 1999 policy ends. Please email if you have any feedback.Holding and Movements Owners and Transporters Guidance
HMOWTR0500Data protection
HMOWTR1000Background: contents
HMOWTR2000Registration: contents
HMOWTR3000Grounds for deregistration / refusal: contents
HMOWTR4000Assurance and verification: contents
HMOWTR5000Specific risks associated with owners, duty representatives and transporters: contents
HMOWTR6000Supply chain: contents
HMOWTR7000Duty points: contents
HMOWTR8000Sanctions: contents
HMOWTR9000Information systems: contents
HMOWTR10000Health and safety: contents
HMOWTR11000Law and further guidance: contents