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HCOS3100 - Tied Oils: records

All tied oil traders are Revenue Traders and must keep their business records in accordance with Notice 206.

All distributors will prepare and issue delivery tickets and sales invoices to their customers. The minimum information required on both documents will be:

  • customer name
  • delivery address
  • product
  • date
  • quantity.

Computerised records will also include:

  • sales day books
  • nominal accounts
  • possibly nominal accounts by product.

Sometimes they may keep information by category of product, ie a listing of those customers buying:

  • Special Boiling Point Oils
  • Aromatics
  • White Spirits
  • Other Light Oils
  • Kerosene
  • Gas Oil
  • Fuel Oil, or
  • Category E Oil.

Manual records will also usually contain customer accounts.

All tied oil distributors and most users will have some form of stock control system and records.