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IMEXPG502000 - Approval: Specimen Letter

Dear Sirs


I am directed by the Commissioners of Revenue and Customs to inform you that, with effect from [ ] the [ ] diameter pipeline from the territorial limits specified in your application dated [ ] to the plant inlet valve [ ] at [ ] is approved as a pipeline under Section 24 of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 for the importation of[natural gas] [oil] from

  1. the [ ] Field;
  2. the [ ] Field;
  3. the [ ] Field;

all fields being located in the United Kingdom designated area of the North Sea Continental Shelf.

The capacity of the approved pipeline as detailed above is [ ] cubic metres at zero pressure.

This approval is subject to the conditions set out in Annexe A and B to this letter. For the purposes of Annexe A condition 5 it is confirmed that the Commissioners do not require you to enter into bond at present.

Would you please sign and date the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to me in the envelope provided.

Yours faithfully

Further information on the Annexes can be found on the following pages.

Annexe A at IMEXPG503000 and AnnexeB at IMEXPG504000