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Updates: Import and National Clearance Hub Procedures


23 August 2021 published amendments


New GDPR Message to replace broken links.

26 March 2021 published amendments

Customs warehouse removals

WI297891 - Broken link - Customs Warehouse procedures changed to link tot Customer Special Procedures manual

4 January 2021 published amendments


GDPR update and links


14 December 2018 published amendments

Special directions: post clearance recovery of arrears of duty and VAT: part 1 policy guidelines

Removal of text under Time Limit heading, following the wording "the three year limit does not apply" as requested by Customs Policy advisors and HMRC Solicitors Office.

12 April 2018 published amendments

Appendices: Appendix G: examples of letters used when C18s are issued

Correct Account Codes

SOLS are currently undertaking a project to uniform the customs review process, the aim of the project is to bring continuity to the review process and make the decision makers the focal point of review requests