IDG20000 - Sharing Information within HMRC

Sharing information within HMRC as prescribed by the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005
Bogus callers
Information which may not be shared internally
Further guidance

Sharing information within HMRC as prescribed by the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005

HMRC officers are subject to a statutory duty of confidentiality provided for by the CRCA (see IDG40120). This means you cannot disclose information about HMRC customers except in specific circumstances.

CRCA further sets out that HMRC officers may share information they hold with other HMRC officers. Section 17 CRCA states:

“Information acquired by the Revenue and Customs in connection with a function may be used by them in connection with any other function.”

This means that, with a few exceptions (see below), any information held by one part of the department may be passed to any other part of the department provided there is a business need. Business need means that there is a valid reason, directly connected to HMRC’s functions, for information to be passed from one person to another. There will not be a business need where information is passed from one person to another because that information may be personally interesting.

Information that is properly obtained by a notice under Schedule 36 to the Finance Act 2008 is also covered by Section 17 CRCA and may be passed to another part of the department where there is a valid business need. The business need may be in respect of the same taxpayer or in relation to the tax affairs of others. You may only disclose the minimum information required to enable another business area to carry out its functions.

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If you receive a request for information from another part of HMRC for customer information you may disclose that information provided there is a business need. If you are not convinced of the business need from the request you have received, ask your line manager or Security & Information Business Partner (SIBP).

If you are aware of information about HMRC customers that would benefit another part of HMRC, talk to your line manager about passing this information on.  Practically speaking there are a number of efficient ways of doing this within HMRC. For example:

  • You can approach the business area that you think might benefit from the information directly.
  • You can pass the information on to the Risk and Intelligence Service (RIS) who will target the information to the most appropriate people in the department.  You may also need to liaise with your Security & Information Business Partner (SIBP). 
  • Allegations received from outside the department about tax, benefit offences, smuggling, criminal offences regulatory breaches or non-compliance must be reported to the National Humint Centre (NHC). Further information and guidance can be found on the Human Intelligence Intranet pages.

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Bogus callers

Bogus callers, intending to access confidential information they are not entitled to, often claim they are calling from within HMRC. Please read the ‘Bogus Caller’ guidance on the Customer Adviser Guide for help in verifying the identity of callers.

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Information which may not be shared internally

Double tax treaty information

Information received from an overseas tax authority under a bilateral agreement such as a double taxation treaty can, in most cases, only be used for the purposes of a direct tax function. However, information received from a tax authority in another EU Member State under an EC instrument concerning mutual assistance or administrative co-operation in the tax field may be used for the majority of HMRC’s tax functions (but may not be used for, or disclosed to a person concerned with, a non-tax function).

Isle of Man

Information received from the Isle of Man customs and excise service under its bilateral agreement with HMRC regarding mutual assistance in the field of customs and excise may only be used in connection with one of HMRC’s functions in this field.

Proceeds of Crime Act 2002

Information received under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002 may be shared more widely within the Department, but the rules governing such disclosures depend on its form. Information held on Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) is considered to be sensitive and can only be disclosed to others within the Department , completed by an appropriately qualified officer. Those wishing to make a disclosure under these circumstances should follow the relevant operational guidance for their business area.

Information gathered by HMRC staff under POCA at a port/airport can be disclosed to any other areas of HMRC, but must still be done using the correct intelligence sharing procedure for their business area. Other forms of information received under POCA, such as those provided to the department by order of a court of law, can be disclosed to any other area of HMRC when there is a business need to do so. Please see Proceeds of Crime Act Guidance for further detail on using information received under POCA.

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Further guidance

Please contact the Exchange of Information team in BAI for further guidance on information received under a double taxation treaty. 

Please contact your SIBP if you are unsure of any of the issues covered in this guidance, or you are unclear as to whether certain information may be shared within the department.