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IDG30473 - Confidentiality when dealing with the customer: disclosure to agents, representatives and third parties: protecting deceased customers: disclosure to personal representative where there is no will

When will this occur?

Cases may arise where the deceased has not left a will, and the personal representative does not need to obtain letters of administration (see IDG30471). This usually arises where the size of the estate is small, typically where its total value is under £5,000.

As information may only be disclosed to the deceased’s personal representative, you will need to establish whether the person requesting information is held on HMRC systems within the capacitor screen (see IDG30471). 

If the Personal representative has not completed a P100 or SA return and cannot provide any evidence that that they have responsibility over the deceased estate then no information can lawfully be disclosed.

Further guidance

For further guidance and assistance please contact your Security & Information Business Partner (SIBP).