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IDG50600 - Information disclosure Gateways with other government departments: Criminal Records Bureau and Disclosure Scotland

The Data Barring Service (DBS), and its Scottish equivalent Disclosure Scotland (DS), are the government agencies which undertake checks on criminal records in order to help organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable to work with children or other vulnerable members of society.

The only information that can be disclosed to the DBS is for the purposes of an ‘enhanced criminal record certificate’ through S113B of the Police Act 1997.

The only information that can be disclosed to the DBS is for the purposes of an ‘enhanced criminal record certificate’ through S113B of the Police Act 1997.There are powers in the legislation that created both bodies for further legislation to be drafted which could permit HMRC to disclose additional information to the DBS and DS. However, this further legislation has not yet been enacted and cannot be used to disclose HMRC information.