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IDG51220 - Information disclosure Gateways with other government departments: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP): NIC, statutory sick pay, or statutory maternity pay information

If DWP make a request for a specific NIC, statutory sick pay, or statutory maternity pay information, it may be the case that you do not have access to this information (as it is held on the NIRS 2 database). In these situations, please pass the request for information on to the business contact on the PT Statutory Payments Team whose contact details are provided at IDG80100.

Devolved administrations

This guidance is applicable to England, Wales and Scotland.

For Northern Ireland, all references to DWP include the Social Security Agency (SSA). Similarly, any references to local authorities refer to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

Further guidance

If you receive a request for information and are unsure how to proceed, please contact your Security & Information Business Partner (SIBP) for advice.