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IDG54200 - Information disclosure Gateways with other government departments: Renewable Fuels Agency

The Renewable Fuels Agency was set up by the Government to implement the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO). The RTFO obliges fossil fuel suppliers to ensure that by 2010 biofuels account for 5% by volume of the fuel supplied on UK forecourts. The purpose of the RTFO is to reduce the UK’s contribution to climate change and its reliance on fossil fuels.

Which part of HMRC can disclose this information?

Only HMRC business areas which work directly with the Renewable Fuels Agency should disclose information under this gateway.

The purpose for which information may be disclosed

To assist the Renewable Fuels Agency in administering the reporting process of obligated fuels companies under the RTFO. This will typically be to help the Agency to collate an independent, accurate and reliable source of information to assist its effectiveness and efficiency.

Information which can be disclosed

Information held by HMRC in connection with its functions under or by virtue of the Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979. This includes information from fuel suppliers’ duty returns to HMRC such as volume of fuels supplied by type.

Procedure to follow

If you are not directly working in the Excise part of Excise, Customs, Stamps and Money or the Oil and Gas Sector of the Large Business Service, please seek further advice before disclosing.

Legislation which allows disclosure

  • Chapter 5 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2004 as amended by Section 78 and Schedule 7 of the Climate Change Act 2008.

Devolved assemblies

This guidance applies to the whole of the United Kingdom.

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Further guidance

If you receive a request for information and are unsure how to proceed please contact your Data Guardian for advice.