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IDG55470 - Information disclosure Gateways with other government departments: Part 5 of the Digital Economy Act 2017- Chapter 6 Non Identifying Information

Chapter 6 of the Digital Economy Act enables the disclosure of non-identifying information by HM Revenue and Customs, Revenue Scotland and the Welsh Revenue Authority to any person for reasons of public interest. This allows for a wider role in policy development, beyond the functions of the Revenue Authorities.

Information that can be disclosed

Non identifying information if disclosure is in the public interest

Information is non-identifying information if:

● it is not, and has never been, identifying information, or

● it has been created by combining identifying information, but is not itself identifying information.

Information is identifying information if it relates to a person whose identity:

● is specified in the information,

● can be deduced from the information, or

● can be deduced from the information taken together with any other information.

A public interest disclosure under this provision would normally include things like:

● improving policy making across Government

● delivering better public services

● improving Government transparency

● promoting economic growth

● increasing social mobility

● protecting the environment, and

● promoting public health.

Legislation that allows disclosure
Section 74: Disclosure of non-identifying information by the Revenue and Customs.

HMRC may disclose non-identifying information held in connection with our functions providing an HMRC officer thinks that the disclosure would be in the public interest. For more information please see IDG55500.

Section 75: Disclosure of non-identifying information by the Welsh Revenue Authority

Section 75 permits a relevant official of the Welsh Revenue Authority to disclose non-identifying information if the official thinks that disclosure would be in the public interest.

Section 76: Disclosure of non-identifying information by Revenue Scotland

Section 76 permits a relevant official of Revenue Scotland to disclose non-identifying information if the official thinks that the disclosure would be in the public interest.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)