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IHTM10022 - IHT400: what is included in the account?

The instructions in this section of the manual apply to the IHT400 which was introduced in November 2008 and replaced the IHT200. There is a basic core account that includes

  • information about the deceased
  • the values of the various assets and liabilities in the deceased’s UK estate
  • a declaration that is completed by the personal representatives.

The instructions for dealing with the core account are found in this section of the manual.

In addition there are a number of supplementary schedules (IHTM10035) that give more detailed information about

  • some of the assets and liabilities returned in the core account, and
  • assets and liabilities that do not form part of the deceased’s UK estate but which also need to be taken into account in calculating the IHT liability on the death.

The supplementary schedules are only completed when they are relevant to a particular estate.