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IHTM10034 - IHT 400: Items referred to in the Will but not included in the estate (page 4).

A will often includes a number of specific legacies (IHTM12082). For example, a particular item may be left to beneficiary or the Will may write off a loan that is still outstanding at death. The deceased may also refer to gifts that they may have made during their lifetime.

The question at box 27 reminds taxpayers to look at the Will and account for any items that are specifically referred to in the Will but are not included in the IHT400.

Details should be given about how any items were disposed of at box 28. If the items were gifted, taxpayers should say when the gift was made, who received it, and the value at that time. If any of the items were sold the taxpayers should give you details of the sale and tell you where the proceeds are included in the estate.

If you have a copy of the Will and all items referred to in the Will are included in the IHT400 then there is no need to insist on a reply to this question.

You need to consider the responses to this question carefully, particularly where the Will refers to a loan made by the deceased (IHTM12033).