IHTM14000 - Lifetime transfers: contents
Basis of valuation
Specific lifetime exemptions
Annual exemption
Schemes to exploit annual exemption
IHTM14151Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Introduction
IHTM14152Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Transfer by sale
IHTM14161Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Transfer of part of a property
IHTM14162Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Transfer of sum of money
IHTM14163Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Transfer of share equal to a sum of money
IHTM14164Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Transfer of shares quantified by loss in value
IHTM14165Schemes to exploit annual exemption: Split proceeds from property on trust for sale
Small gifts exemption
Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership
IHTM14191Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: Summary
IHTM14193Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: Permissible beneficiaries for s.22 purposes
IHTM14201Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: Rennell v IRC
IHTM14202Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: Rennell v IRC - gifts by way of settlement
IHTM14211Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: IHTA restrictions of Rennell - outright gifts and other dispositions
IHTM14212Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: IHTA restrictions of Rennell - the eventual recipient
IHTM14213Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: IHTA restrictions of Rennell - IHTA84/S22 (4)(b) provisions
IHTM14214Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: IHTA restrictions of Rennell - payments under covenant
IHTM14220Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: Relationship with spouse or civil partner exemptions
IHTM14221Gifts in consideration of marriage or registration of civil partnership: Termination of IIP in settled property
Normal expenditure out of income
Conditions for normal out of income exemption
IHTM14241Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Normal expenditure
IHTM14242Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Pattern of gifts
IHTM14243Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Factors to consider
IHTM14244Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Case Law - Bennett v IRC
IHTM14250Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Out of income
IHTM14251Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Case Law - McDowall
IHTM14255Conditions for normal out of income exemption: Transferor's standard of living
Gifts with reservation (GWRs)
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift
IHTM14311Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Initial requirements
IHTM14312Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: The donor
IHTM14313Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: The property given
IHTM14314Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Examples of the property given - carve-out arrangements
IHTM14315Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Defining the gift
IHTM14316Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Sales for less than full consideration
IHTM14317Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Interest free loans
IHTM14318Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Exempt transfers which cannot be GWRs
IHTM14319Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The gift: Exempt transfers which can be GWRs
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation
IHTM14331Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Initial requirements
IHTM14332Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Possession and enjoyment by the donee
IHTM14333Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Exclusion of the donor
IHTM14334Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Examples of exclusion of the donor
IHTM14335Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Non-exclusion need not be continuous
IHTM14336Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Effect of consideration
IHTM14337Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Continuation of reasonable commercial arrangements
IHTM14338Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Benefit by associated operations
IHTM14339Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Benefit to donor's spouse or civil partner
IHTM14340Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: When occupation is not a reservation
IHTM14341Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Full consideration in cases of land and chattels
IHTM14342Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Infirm relative
IHTM14343Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Annual exemption
IHTM14360Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation: Interests in land
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Tracing
IHTM14371Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Tracing: Introduction
IHTM14372Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Tracing: Absolute gifts of cash
IHTM14373Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Tracing: Absolute gifts of property other than cash
IHTM14374Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Tracing: Supplementary provisions
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property
IHTM14391Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property: Introduction
IHTM14392Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property: The donee and the property given
IHTM14393Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property: Settlement on discretionary trusts
IHTM14394Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property: Donor also a trustee
IHTM14395Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property: Reasonable commercial arrangements
IHTM14396Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Settled property: Settlement created when the settlor is domiciled outside the UK
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Tracing settled property
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies
IHTM14421Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies: Introduction
IHTM14431Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies - gifts to which the GWR rules can apply: General gifts after 18 March 1986
IHTM14432Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies - gifts to which the GWR rules can apply: Normal out of income exemption on regular premiums
IHTM14433Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies - gifts to which the GWR rules can apply: Policies made before 18 March 1986
IHTM14434Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies - gifts to which the GWR rules can apply: Automatic increases in policy value
IHTM14435Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies - gifts to which the GWR rules can apply: Change in life assured
IHTM14440Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Insurance policies - gifts to which the GWR rules can apply: The property given
Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation on insurance policies
IHTM14451Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation on insurance policies: Introduction
IHTM14452Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation on insurance policies: Special rule for policies with linked benefits
IHTM14453Gifts with reservation (GWRs): The reservation on insurance policies: Reservation examples
The charge to tax
The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs)
IHTM14511The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Tax treatment of a PET
IHTM14512The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Tax treatment of a PET followed by death
IHTM14513The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Cumulation
IHTM14514The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Cumulating transfers more than seven years before death
IHTM14515The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): IHT nil rate band
IHTM14516The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Rate of tax
IHTM14517The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Taper relief
IHTM14518The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Fall in value relief
IHTM14519The charge to tax: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Special rate
The charge to tax: Immediately chargeable transfers
IHTM14531The charge to tax: Immediately chargeable transfers: Introduction
IHTM14532The charge to tax: Immediately chargeable transfers: Value for tax
IHTM14533The charge to tax: Immediately chargeable transfers: Cumulation
IHTM14534The charge to tax: Immediately chargeable transfers: Rate of tax
The charge to tax: Grossing
IHTM14541The charge to tax: Grossing: When to gross-up
IHTM14542The charge to tax: Grossing: When not to gross-up
IHTM14543The charge to tax: Grossing: Partial grossing
IHTM14544The charge to tax: Grossing: The grossing calculation
IHTM14545The charge to tax: Grossing: Tax paid after death of the transferor
IHTM14546The charge to tax: Grossing: Settled property
IHTM14547The charge to tax: Grossing: Authority for grossing
The charge to tax: Other charges
The charge to tax: Additional charges
IHTM14571The charge to tax: Additional charges: Introduction
IHTM14572The charge to tax: Additional charges: Value for tax
IHTM14573The charge to tax: Additional charges: Cumulation
IHTM14574The charge to tax: Additional charges: Rate of tax
IHTM14575The charge to tax: Additional charges: Taper relief
IHTM14576The charge to tax: Additional charges: The additional tax payable
IHTM14577The charge to tax: Additional charges: The additional tax payable (example 1)
IHTM14578The charge to tax: Additional charges: The additional tax payable (example 2)
The charge to tax: Reliefs
The charge to tax: The charge on lifetime transfers
IHTM14590The charge to tax: The charge on lifetime transfers: Gifts with reservation (GWRs)
IHTM14591The charge to tax: The charge on lifetime transfers: Simultaneous and same day transfers
IHTM14592The charge to tax: The charge on lifetime transfers: Liability for payment of tax
IHTM14593The charge to tax: The charge on lifetime transfers: Grossing-up the values
IHTM14595The charge to tax: The charge on lifetime transfers: Late reported transfers
Specific lifetime reliefs: Taper relief
Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief
IHTM14621Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: Introduction
IHTM14622Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: Form of the relief
IHTM14624Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: Conditions for relief
IHTM14625Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: What is a qualifying sale?
IHTM14626Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: What is market value?
IHTM14627Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: The claim
IHTM14628Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: Wasting assets
IHTM14629Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: Portfolio of assets
IHTM14630Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: More than one sale
IHTM14631Specific lifetime reliefs: Fall in value relief: Not all of the transferred assets are sold
Specific lifetime reliefs: Shares and securities
IHTM14641Specific lifetime reliefs: Shares and securities: Adjustments
IHTM14642Specific lifetime reliefs: Shares and securities: Capital receipts
IHTM14643Specific lifetime reliefs: Shares and securities: Payment of calls
IHTM14644Specific lifetime reliefs: Shares and securities: Changes in shareholdings
IHTM14645Specific lifetime reliefs: Shares and securities: Transactions of close companies
Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land
IHTM14661Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land: Changes between transfer and death
IHTM14662Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land: Changes that have reduced the value
IHTM14663Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land: Changes that have increased the value
IHTM14664Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land: Compensation
IHTM14670Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land: Leases
IHTM14671Specific lifetime reliefs: Interests in land: Other property
Double charges relief
Double charges relief: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs)
IHTM14701Double charges relief: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): When double charges relief arises
IHTM14702Double charges relief: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Partial consideration
IHTM14703Double charges relief: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Property representing the property transferred
IHTM14704Double charges relief: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Calculations
IHTM14705Double charges relief: Potentially exempt transfers (PETs): Quick succession relief (QSR)
Double charges relief: Gifts with reservation (GWRs)
IHTM14711Double charges relief: Gifts with reservation (GWRs): When double charges relief arises
IHTM14712Double charges relief: Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Calculations
IHTM14713Double charges relief: Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Example of calculations 1
IHTM14714Double charges relief: Gifts with reservation (GWRs): Example of calculations 2
Double charges relief: Disallowed debts
IHTM14721Double charges relief: Disallowed debts: When double charges relief arises
IHTM14722Double charges relief: Disallowed debts: Calculations
IHTM14730Double charges relief: Disallowed debts: Transfers chargeable when made
IHTM14731Double charges relief: Disallowed debts: Calculations producing the same amount
IHTM14732Double charges relief: Disallowed debts: Discretionary trusts
Associated operations
IHTM14821Associated operations: Why are the provisions necessary?
IHTM14822Associated operations: Definition
IHTM14823Associated operations: The objective test
IHTM14824Associated operations: The subjective test
IHTM14825Associated operations: Additional provisions
IHTM14826Associated operations: Definition of terms
IHTM14827Associated operations: Transfer of value made by associated operations
IHTM14828Associated operations: Restrictions on association
IHTM14829Associated operations: Re Macpherson
IHTM14830Associated operations: Insurance policies
IHTM14831Associated operations: Gifts With Reservation
IHTM14832Associated operations: Transfers involving relievable property
IHTM14833Associated operations: Gifts between spouses or civil partners
IHTM14834Associated operations: Sale without immediate payment of the purchase price
IHTM14835Associated operations: Transfer in stages
IHTM14836Associated operations: Successive settlements
Transfers by close companies
IHTM14851Transfers by close companies: Introduction
IHTM14852Transfers by close companies: Transfers of value
IHTM14853Transfers by close companies: Exemptions
IHTM14854Transfers by close companies: Foreign aspects
IHTM14855Transfers by close companies: Alterations in share capital, loan capital or rights
IHTM14856Transfers by close companies: Liability to tax
Future payments
Dating of dispositions
IHTM14881Dating of dispositions: Introduction
IHTM14882Dating of dispositions: Gifts by cheque
IHTM14883Dating of dispositions: Dispositions affecting land
IHTM14884Dating of dispositions: Chattels and corporeal moveables
IHTM14885Dating of dispositions: Choses in action and incorporeal moveables