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IHTM15021 - Investigation of form IHT404: introduction to form IHT404

Details of a deceased person’s beneficial interest (IHTM15011) in joint property should be shown on form IHT404. The more detailed information asked for on this form is to help us decide:

  • The extent (IHTM15031) of the deceased’s beneficial interest in the joint property immediately before the death. In other words, the share or proportion that should be included as part of the estate on death.
  • The way in which the joint property was held (IHTM15081) (whether the deceased’s interest passes by survivorship (IHTM15081), by Will (IHTM12041) or intestacy (IHTM12101)). We may need to know this to work out:

    • whether exemptions apply (IHTM11000),
    • who the liable persons are (IHTM30011),
    • whether an Instrument of Variation (IHTM35011) is valid, and
    • whether grossing-up (IHTM26121) applies

It will also tell us whether the start of the joint ownership arrangement included any lifetime transfer (IHTM15060) by the deceased

The information given on the IHT404 may also identify areas where we may need to raise an enquiry (IHTM29011).