IHTM18000 - Stocks and shares: contents
IHTM18011Investigating forms IHT411 and IHT412: Introduction to the forms
IHTM18061Listed stocks, shares and investments: Introduction
IHTM18091Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Basis of valuation
IHTM18092Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Stock Exchange Listings
IHTM18093Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Shares
IHTM18094Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: UK Government securities and municipal securities
IHTM18095Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Unit Trusts
IHTM18097Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)
IHTM18098Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Additional quotation markings
IHTM18099Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Capitalisation issues
IHTM18100Listed stocks, shares and investments: Valuation: Rights issues
IHTM18110Listed stocks, shares and investments: Other issues: Dividends
IHTM18131Unlisted shares: What are unlisted shares?
IHTM18280Unlisted shares: Unlisted securities
IHTM18301Unlisted shares: BES/EIS/VCT/EZ/Property Enterprise Trust: Introduction
IHTM18302Unlisted shares: BES/EIS/VCT/EZ/Property Enterprise Trust: Identifying investments in the schemes
IHTM18311Unlisted shares: Share Option Schemes: What is a Share Option Scheme?