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IHTM20028 - Life Policies: investigating form IHT410: if the answer to Question 12 is Yes

In this instance the deceased paid premiums (IHTM20082) on life insurance policies for the benefit of someone other than themselves or their spouse or civil partner (IHTM11032) in the 7 years before they died. These payments would constitute transfers of value (IHTM14000) when they were made, and information should be given on and with form IHT403, which should be included with the form IHT400. Where Question 12 is answered ‘Yes’, Question 13 must also be answered. If Question 13 is also answered ‘Yes’ then there may also be a back-to-back arrangement (IHTM20087) and the file must be referred to the Actuarial Team to consider.

If Question 13 is answered No, you should follow the guidance at IHTM20041 onwards.