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IHTM28352 - Liabilities: investigating form IHT419: obtaining information about a guarantee debts

A deduction for a guarantee debt is claimed in box 82 on the IHT400. If a deduction is claimed taxpayers should give the following information in box 4 on the supplementary form IHT419.

  • the name of the borrower
  • the borrower’s relationship to the deceased
  • whether or not the deceased had been called upon to pay the guarantee, and if not
  • why it is felt that the guarantee should be included as a deduction from the estate.

Taxpayers are asked to send us any written evidence of the guarantee debt.

To consider the claim in detail you will usually also have to raise enquiries to

  • establish the borrower’s financial position both at the time the guarantee was granted (IHTM28356) and at the deceased’s death (IHTM28354)
  • obtain copies of the guarantee and other related documents, if they have not been supplied
  • find out the amount of the loan outstanding at the time of the deceased’s death.