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IHTM30159 - Due date for payment: postponing payment

This issue may arise in three different situations.

  • The instalment option (IHTM30191)
  • When the taxpayers request time to pay

If Debt Management & Banking are involved you should notify them immediately if any further difficulty becomes apparent, for example when money due under a ‘time to pay’ arrangement is not received on time.

  • Blocked foreign assets

There is an Extra-Statutory Concession (F6) to the effect that where, because of restrictions imposed by the foreign government, executors (IHTM05012) cannot immediately transfer to this country sufficient of the deceased’s foreign assets for the payment of the Inheritance Tax attributable to them, they are given the option of deferring payment until the transfer can be affected.

The application of this concession, which is available only on death transfers, is the responsibility of the Inheritance Tax (IHT) Technical team. Refer any request for the application of the concession to IHT Technical team. Do not make any reference to the possible application of the concession without their specific authority.