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IHTM31212 - Assessing: COMPASS: calculations: unpaying calculations

Once a calculation has been issued and paid, it cannot be withdrawn. It can only be removed from the records by ‘unpaying’ it.

Most caseworkers do not have authorisation to unpay calculations. Generally, only managers are given authority.

If are authorised, select the case record on the Case Index window. Select ‘Cancel Payment’ from the Assessments menu to bring up a new window.

Highlight the calculation you want to cancel and select the Unpay button. Choose ‘yes’ in the dialogue box that appears.

Unpaying upsets our accounting records and creates a lot of work for Accounts Section. So, you must only unpay in the following circumstances:

  • When a calculation has been marked paid on COMPASS in genuine error.
  • When a payment turns out to be an invalid/dishonoured cheque and we want to unpay the calculation

You must not use the ‘unpay’ facility:

  • to unpay calculations in order to move assets from IOP to NIOP.
  • to unpay calculations where a valid payment has been received, receipted and marked as paid on COMPASS.

Refer any requests to unpay outside these parameters to the Accounts Team in Nottingham.