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IHTM31666 - Assessing: repayments: satisfaction of assessment by deposit and repayment of the balance

Where you use part of a deposit to satisfy a calculation in full, and the balance of the deposit is to be repaid to the taxpayer or agents, you can carry out this operation by using the Sect 6 (IHTM31641).

Bear in mind, however, that you must have the authority appropriate to the total sum being dealt with.


If, from a deposit of £500,000, £60,000 is to be applied to an assessment and £40,000 repaid, the Sect 6 would need to be signed by at least a grade SO.

In these circumstances, where you do not have the authority appropriate to the total sum being dealt with, you must attach a copy of the assessment showing how the deposit has been applied to the Sect 6. You must also refer the case (via your manager) to be checked by the appropriate grade.

The Repayments Security Officer will then be able to verify the repayable amount and issue the warrant to Shipley.