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IHTM33035 - Loss on sale of land: procedures: Valuation Office Agency (VOA) referrals

You should consult the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) (IHTM23000) when

  • you need to confirm that the sale was for ‘the best consideration reasonably obtainable’ (IHTM33072) for the property at the time of the sale - when advising on this point the VOA will also tell you about any relevant changes in the state of the land
  • you need alternative values following a change in the interest or underlying land (IHTM33121)
  • the claim involves a structurally unsound property (IHTM33124).

If you receive a claim for relief or the taxpayers indicate that they wish to claim relief before the VOA has reported on the date of death value you should follow the instructions for referring sales of property (IHTM23185) to the VOA. The sale of this particular item will only need to be considered for loss on sale of land relief if the VOA does not accept the sale price as the date of death value.

All matters relating to changes in the interest in land are for us to deal with. You ask the taxpayer or agent for any additional information you need to make the position clear before asking the VOA for their valuation.