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IHTM36377 - Recording penalties: entering data on the penalties database

To create a record for the first time you should

  • make sure that you are in the relevant data entry screen
  • click on ‘Add Record’

You will then be able to enter the enquiry details and values in the appropriate sections of the template. The ID number will be automatically generated when details are entered into the relevant sections.

To add information to an existing record, for example to enter settlement details, click on ‘Find Record’. This will open another box. At the bottom of that box you will see a tick in a box at the side of the words ‘Search Only Current Field’. Click on the tick to clear it. Then click in the ‘Find What’ box and enter the appropriate file reference. Click on ‘Find Next’ and once the appropriate record appears on screen click on the ‘Close’ button in the ‘Find Record’ box. You should now be looking at the record you want to add to or amend. To move between boxes use the mouse (left hand click). If you cannot find a record by entering the file reference try the same process again but enter the name of the case instead. If that does not work speak to your B2 manager or the Penalty Portfolio Holder.

When you have finished entering details and values click on ‘Close Form’ if you want to return to the main menu screen or on ‘Add Record’ or ‘Find Record’ if you want to record details for another case. The details and values are saved automatically.

To exit the database completely, please click on ‘Exit’ on the Main Menu screen.