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IHTM37054 - Land valuation cases: practicalities for the Notice of Determination

Examples of a land value Notice of Determination (NOD) are given later in this section of the manual.

Example 1 (IHTM37091) applies for transfers of value on or after 25 July 1986 where the land concerned is in England or Wales and there is no agricultural property.

Example 2 (IHTM37092) applies for transfers of value on or after 25 July 1986 where the land concerned is in England or Wales and there is agricultural property. It is important that the NOD quotes the value, location and area of any agricultural land eligible for relief.

In all cases:

  • The correct NOD form must be used.
  • The correct statutory references must be made.
  • NODs, that are identical in terms, and a covering letter must be sent to all the liable people (for example, trustees or executors) and to any agents acting.
  • The covering letter should give the background to the previous conduct of the case that has led to the NOD being issued. It should mention that copies of the NOD are being sent to any other liable persons and to the agents.
  • The NOD is a formal document and must be factually correct in every detail. It is essential that there should be no manuscript additions or amendments.