IHTM46000 - Residence nil rate band: contents
Basic definitions
Calculating the RNRB
IHTM46021When is RNRB due?
IHTM46022Terms used: 'residential enhancement'
IHTM46023Terms used: the 'taper threshold'
IHTM46024Terms used: the 'default allowance'
IHTM46025Terms used: the 'adjusted allowance'
IHTM46026Calculating the 'default allowance' and the 'adjusted allowance'
IHTM46027Calculating the value of the QRI that is closely inherited
More detailed guidance
Transfer of unused RNRB
IHTM46050General principles
IHTM46051The property disposed of
IHTM46052The closely inherited property
IHTM46053Qualifying former residential interest (QFRI)
IHTM46054Disposals: qualifying former residential interest: disposal under contract
IHTM46055Disposals: qualifying former residential interest: interest in possession trust
IHTM46056Disposals: qualifying former residential interest: property subject to a reservation of benefit
Downsizing calculations
IHTM46061Where there is a qualifying residential interest in the estate: conditions
IHTM46062Where there is a qualifying residential interest in the estate: how to calculate the lost relievable amount
IHTM46063Where there is a qualifying residential interest in the estate: calculating the downsizing addition
IHTM46064Where there is no residential property interest in the estate: conditions
IHTM46065Where there is no residential property interest in the estate: how to calculate the lost relievable amount
IHTM46066Where there is no residential property interest in the estate: calculating the downsizing addition
IHTM46067Interaction with the taper threshold