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IPTM3565 - Calculating gains: part surrenders and part assignments: ‘periodic calculations’ and ‘excess events’: value of rights surrendered or assigned

For the purposes of part surrenders, the value of any part of, or share in, the rights conferred by a policy or contract is the amount or value of the sum payable or other benefits arising because of the surrender, except:

  • where the part surrender is deemed to take place because a loan has been made on the policy, the value is the amount of the loan
  • where the part surrender is a payment by an insurer under a guaranteed income bond, the value is the amount of payment, see IPTM3550.

For the purposes of part assignments, the value of any part of, or share in, the rights conferred by a policy or contract as at the time of the assignment is its surrender value at that time.

The rule relating to trivial inducement benefits may apply - see IPTM3535.