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IPTM8315 - Certification of qualifying policies: change of insurer’s name or identity

The wording of a qualifying policy may need to change because of a change inthe name of the insurer or because the identity of the insurer changes followinga transfer of business from one insurer to another.

Provided the terms of the policy remain unchanged, it is not necessary for the policiesaffected to be re-certified although the insurer should notify HMRC of the change of nameor identity of the insurer to ensure that effective records of certified qualifyingpolicies from that insurer are maintained. Any amendments to the policy wording that couldbe regarded as affecting its terms must be submitted for re-certification. When doing so,the insurer should quote the reference under which the policy was originally certified inthe previous name or identity of the insurer.

| Further reference and feedback | IPTM1013 | |——————————–|——————————————————————————————————|