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IPT10125 - Procedures: amending or correcting the IPT Register

Details of the required changes or amendments should be sent via e-mail or memo to BTOps who will input the necessary changes onto the system. Any supporting documentation such as letters etc. should be retained in the trader’s folder.

### The information that may require changes includes: ### Note:
name Any request should be accompanied by the appropriate certificate from Companies House where applicable.
address This should usually be where the business records are maintained.
legal status Update the registration details to reflect any change in the legal status of the business. The options for this field are: Proprietor, partnership (an IPT 2 must also be completed), limited company and sole company
EDR Insert the date on which the first taxable premium was received after 1 October 1994, if this is different from the EDR on record. See IPT10250 and IPT10275.
type of body Specify the type of body if the insurer is an unincorporated body other than a partnership.
certificate number and date of certificate If necessary, update these details for limited companies.
special accounting (whether the insurer has moved to or from the special accounting scheme) If there is no change in the accounting, no action is required here.
Lloyds syndicate Update where information has changed since registration, if the insurer is a Lloyd’s syndicate
Syndicate No. If the syndicate’s number has changed, provide the new number.
Lloyd’s rep Indicate if Lloyd’s are acting for the syndicate in accounting for IPT.
Lloyd’s Policy Signing Office (LPSO) Indicates if all the syndicate’s premiums are processed through the LPSO.
Lloyd’s / Managing Agent Indicate who will be responsible for submitting the syndicate’s returns.
Agent. Enter any changes to the Managing Agent’s details.
Mirror syndicate Indicate whether the syndicate is involved in mirror syndicate activities. (A mirror syndicate has the same constitution and Managing Agent as another syndicate.)
Reinsured to close and liability syndicate no. (if a syndicate is now reinsured to close) If so, state the number of the syndicate which has taken over its liability.
insurance class If necessary, amend the class(es) of insurance the insurer writes or intends to write. Record all the classes which apply: 01 accident and health, 02 motor vehicle, damage and liability, 03 aircraft, damage and liability, 04 ships, damage and liability, 05 goods in transit, 06 property damage, 07 general liability, 08 pecuniary loss.
total taxable premium Enter the taxable premium (to the nearest £) if this is substantially different from the amount recorded.
VAT registration Indicate that the insurer has now registered or deregistered for VAT. If the insurer is or was VAT-registered, show the VAT registration number.
method of payment Record any change in the method of paying IPT by the insurer, by entering the new method: direct debit, credit transfer, BACs, chaps, cheque.
deregistration date If the insurer has deregistered from IPT, provide the date of deregistration.
reason for deregistration Provide a brief explanation, for example ceased trading, TOGC etc.
return stagger For example changing from stagger 1 (Mar, Jun Sep, Dec) to stagger 3 (Feb, May, Aug, Nov)

Advise BTOps if you do not wish an amended registration certificate to be issued to the trader.