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IEIM402005 - Reportable Information: Introduction

Reportable Information: Introduction

The FATCA and CRS agreements for automatic exchange of information require specific information to be reported in respect of Account Holders who are identified by Financial Institutions [see IEIM400600] as holding Reportable Accounts [see IEIM401520].

Under all of the agreements the following information is required from Financial Institutions in respect of any person identified as holding Reportable Accounts:

  • Name
  • Address [see IEIM402020]
  • Taxpayer Identification Number or similar (TIN) [see IEIM402040]
  • Jurisdiction to which the information is reportable [see IEIM402060]
  • The account number (or a functional equivalent in the absence of an account number) [see IEIM402080]
  • The name and identifying number of the Reporting Financial Institution [see IEIM402100]
  • The account balance or value as of the end of the calendar year or other appropriate period [see IEIM402120].

For CRS agreements, Financial Institutions must also report

  • Date of birth of individuals, and

  • Place of birth of individuals [see IEIM402180] subject to certain conditions.

There are also additional reporting requirements depending on the type of account that is being reported on. The additional items for Custodial Accounts are dealt with at IEIM402200 and IEIM402220, Depository Accounts at IEIM402240 and other types of account at IEIM402260.