IEIM403300 - Due Diligence: Pre-Existing Entity Accounts: Reportable Accounts: Available Information
Due Diligence: Pre-Existing Entity Accounts: Reportable Accounts: Available Information
Where the Financial Institution has carried out the review of regulatory and customer relationship information and has indications that the Account Holder is resident in a Reportable Jurisdiction it may take into account information in its possession, or which is publicly available, which reasonably determines that the Account Holder is not a Reportable Person with respect to such Reportable Jurisdiction.
Such information will include the following:
Information published by an authorised government body of a jurisdiction. For example, the list of Foreign Financial Institutions published by the US tax administration;
Information in a publicly accessible register maintained or authorised by an authorised government body of a jurisdiction;
Information disclosed on an established securities market;
Information previously recorded in the files of the Financial Institution;
A publicly accessible classification based on a standardised industry coding system. This will include any coding system employed by the Financial Institution which is based on such a standardised industry coding system.
Where the Financial Institution relies on such information it must retain a notation of the type of information reviewed and the date the review was carried out.