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IEIM901510 - Personal Service

A “personal service” is a service involving time or task-based work performed by one or more individuals at the request of a user, unless such a service is purely ancillary to the overall transaction.

The “personal service” definition covers a wide range of services and includes work facilitated by the Platform that is carried out online or performed offline at a physical location.

Examples of a personal service carried out at the request of a user (customer) include:

  • transport services (such as taxi and private vehicle hire with a driver)
  • delivery of goods or services (for example, food delivery)
  • online services (such as IT services, data entry/manipulation, copywriting)
  • freelance and professional work (for example, accountancy, tutoring, legal advice)
  • provision of labour (such as cleaning, gardening, renovation)
  • seasonal and temporary work (for example, event management, catering)

The services can be carried out by the Seller directly, or the work might be subcontracted out by the Seller to other individuals or entities. Time or task-based work can also be performed jointly by more than one Seller, such as “crowd work” arrangements, and can be provided at the request of one or more users. Personal services can also be provided on a longer-term basis, such as a seasonal work, or as part of lengthier freelance arrangements.