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IEIM902310 - What Information has to be Collected?

The information that must be collected is set out in the model rules. This may include data that Reporting Platform Operators (RPOs) will already collect as part of onboarding and registration processes, or for AML/KYC purposes.

If the Seller is an individual, the RPO must collect:

  • First and last name (and middle name if this is provided)
  • Primary address
  • The Tax Identification Number (TIN) issued to the Seller by the jurisdiction that Seller is resident in, and the jurisdiction of issuance.
  • Date of birth

In the case of a corporate Seller, the RPO must collect:

  • The legal name of the company
  • Primary address
  • The Tax Identification Number (TIN) issued to the Seller, and the jurisdiction in which it was issued
  • The company registration number (CRN)

For UK resident companies, the TIN will be the CRN.

Where the Seller is renting immoveable property on the Platform, the RPO must also collect the address of each property listed on the Platform (see 902520).

This information ensures that HMRC and tax authorities in partner jurisdictions can correctly identify the Seller (or rental property) and can match the reported information with the relevant data held about the Seller (or rental property) effectively. RPOs must therefore take adequate measures to ensure that the information items above are obtained.