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IEIM902360 - Information on Rented Property

Where the Seller is renting immoveable property on the Platform, the Reporting Platform Operator (RPO) must also collect the address of each property listing on the Platform, including the jurisdiction of each listing. For these purposes ‘property listing’ includes all immoveable property units located at the same street address and offered for rent by the same Seller. For example, where a landlord owns a building complex containing multiple apartments, the building would be treated as a single property listing for the purposes of the reporting requirements.

RPOs that facilitate the rental of property will usually be aware of the property details in order to relay this information to users. However, if an RPO is not aware of the precise address of the property listing, it must collect and verify the full address.

The RPO must also determine the jurisdiction in which the rental property is found so that the information about the Seller, the property and the income from renting the property can be passed to the relevant jurisdiction’s tax authority.