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INTM262010 - Non-residents trading in the UK: domestic charging provisions: Introduction

Stages to consider

In all cases where you are considering the potential chargeability of a non-resident you should consider the facts of the case in the process illustrated below. The relevant guidance for each stage of consideration is sign-posted accordingly. This chapter of the guidance concerns the question of whether there is a UK domestic charge to tax on the non-resident which is considered in stage 1 of the process laid out below. But where an enquiry into a non-resident is concerned stage 2 (the potential effects of any applicable treaty) and stage 4 (whether any tax liability can be collected) of the process should equally be under consideration from the outset.

Stage 1

Is there a charge under domestic legislation on the activities in question? If there is not, you need consider the case no further. [INTM261000 to INTM264110]

Stage 2

If the non-resident is a resident of a state with which we have a Double Taxation Agreement, does the treaty restrict the domestic charge? [INTM265010 to INTM266160]

Stage 3

How much are the chargeable profits that can be taxed in the UK? [INTM267010 to INTM267170]

Stage 4

Having established that there is a domestic charge and having taken account of the effects of the relevant treaty, how do we assess and collect any tax that is due? [INTM268010 to INTM268050]