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INTM333090 - Double Taxation applications and claims: Vouchers: When you should enquire about names on vouchers

In the following circumstances, you should establish the facts by opening an enquiry (see INTM331200) and asking the claimant (or agent, as appropriate) to say why the claim includes income from investments not registered in the claimant’s own name:

for claims by individuals, where the voucher carries:

  • the name of the claimant with a payee which is not a bank - you need to know why the claimant has mandated the income to another person beneficially entitled to the income
  • the claimant’s name and other names - the claimant may only be entitled to a share of the income
  • the claimant’s name and a designation, for example: ‘A’ account – the claimant may be a trustee and not the beneficial owner
  • the claimant’s name does not appear at all
  • if it is clear that there is a trust involved INTM339500.

for claims by companies

  • For claims by companies you may need to make enquiries where the voucher is in another company’s name which doesn’t appear to be a nominee. Vouchers in nominees’ names usually have a designation, for example: AB a/c.