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INTM333530 - Double Taxation Applications and Claims: repayment interest: Member states of the European Economic Area - (EEA) and associated territories


Member state Date of joining (where relevant) Associated territories - Also entitled to repayment interest if in
Austria - -
Belgium - -
Bulgaria 1 January 2007 -
Cyprus 1 May 2004 -
Czech Republic 1 May 2004 -
Denmark - -
Estonia 1 May 2004 -
Finland - -
France - Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Réunion
Germany - -
Greece - -
Hungary 1 May 2004 -
Iceland - -
Ireland - -
Italy - -
Latvia 1 May 2004 -
Liechtenstein - -
Lithuania 1 May 2004 -
Luxembourg - -
Malta 1 May 2004 -
Netherlands - -
Norway - -
Poland 1 May 2004 -
Portugal - The Azores, Madeira
Romania 1 January 2007 -
Spain - Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla
Slovak Republic 1 May 2004 -
Slovenia 1 May 2004 -
Sweden - -
United Kingdom - Gibraltar