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INTM340550 - DT claims and applications: Collective Investment Vehicles

List of terms used to describe collective investment vehicles

List by country
List by word

List by country {#}

This is a list of some terms we have come across in connection with collectiveinvestment vehicles in particular countries. It is by no means exhaustive.

Austria Investmentfonds \n Investmentgesellschaft \n Kapitalanlagefonds
Belgium Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) \n Société d’Investissement à Capital Fixe (SICAF) \n Fonds Commun de Placement (FCP)
Denmark Investeringsforeningen
France Société d’Investissement \n Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) \n Fonds Commun de Placement (FCP)
Germany Sondervermogen (managed by Kapitalanlagegesellschaft – KAG) \n Rentenfonds
Italy Società di investimento a capitale variable (SICAV) \n Fondo Comune di Investimento Mobiliare (managed by Società per Azioni, or SpA)
Luxembourg Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (SICAV) \n Société d’Investissement à Capital Fixe (SICAF) \n Fonds Commun de Placement (FCP)
Netherlands Beleggingsfonds \n Fonds (managed by Bewaarmaatshcappij)
Portugal Fundo de Investimento
Spain Fondo de Inversión Mobiliaria (FIM) \n Sociedad de Inversión Mobiliaria de Capital Variable (SIMCAV)
Sweden Aktiefond; Räntefond (managed by Fondbolag)

List by word {#}

The use of any of the following words in connection with a claimant indicates thepossibility that it may be a collective investment vehicle.

Foreign word English
Belegging Investment
Bewaar Fund management
Bewaarder Fund manager
Fondo (fondi) Fund(s)
Fondo(s) Funds
Fonds Fund(s)
Fonds(en) Fund(s)
Fundos Funds
Gérant Fund manager
Gestion Fund management
Gestión Fund management
Gestione Fund management
Gestor Fund manager
Inversión Investment
Investering Investment
Investissement Investment
Placement Investment
Verwaltung Fund management