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INTM367760 - DT applications and claims: Non-resident beneficiaries of UK trusts

Distributions to an absolute beneficiary or to a life tenant- applications by beneficiaries for relief at source

You may receive an application for relief at source from United Kingdom income tax, especially where the income is from

  • FOTRAs
  • Royalties
  • Interest


If you are satisfied that relief is due

  • advise the trustees that they can make payments to the beneficiary without deducting tax
  • notify HM Revenue & Customs


If you are satisfied that relief is due

  • authorise the trustees to make payments to the beneficiary without deducting tax, or at the rate specified in the royalty article of the agreement if appropriate
  • notify HM Revenue & Customs


If the application relates to a loan and you are satisfied that relief is due, issue a direction to the payer.

If the application relates to Bank or Building Society interest, we cannot process it. The trustees may approach the Bank or Building Society direct to find out whether they operate any scheme which will allow payment without deduction of tax.