INTM412090 - Transfer pricing: legislation: rules: exemptions: SME - list of treaties with appropriate double taxation article
Below is a list of the double taxation treaties that HMRC regards as containing an appropriate non discrimination article as at 1 April 2024. See INTM412080 for more detailed guidance.
Albania | Lithuania |
Algeria | Luxembourg |
Argentina | Macedonia |
Armenia | Malaysia |
Australia | Malta |
Austria | Mauritius |
Azerbaijan | Mexico |
Bahrain | Moldova |
Bangladesh | Mongolia |
Barbados | Montenegro |
Belarus | Morocco |
Belgium | Namibia |
Bolivia | Netherlands |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | New Zealand |
Botswana | Nigeria |
Bulgaria | Norway |
Myanma (previously Burma) | Oman |
Canada | Pakistan |
Chile | Panama |
China | Papua New Guinea |
Colombia | Philippines |
Croatia | Poland |
Cyprus | Portugal |
Czech Republic | Qatar |
Denmark | Romania |
Egypt | Russia |
Estonia | San Marino |
Ethiopia | Senegal |
Faroe Islands | Serbia |
Fiji | Singapore |
Finland | Slovak Republic |
France | Slovenia |
Gambia | South Africa |
Georgia | South Korea |
Germany | Spain |
Ghana | Sri Lanka |
Greece | Sudan |
Guyana | Swaziland |
Hungary | Sweden |
Iceland | Switzerland |
India | Taiwan |
Indonesia | Tajikistan |
Ireland | Thailand |
Israel | Trinidad and Tobago |
Italy | Tunisia |
Ivory Coast | Turkey |
Jamaica | Turkmenistan |
Japan | Uganda |
Jordan | Ukraine |
Kazakhstan | United Arab Emirates |
Kenya | Uruguay |
Kosovo | USA |
Kuwait | Uzbekistan |
Kyrgyzstan | Venezuela |
Latvia | Vietnam |
Lesotho | Zambia |
Libya | Zimbabwe |
Liechtenstein |
Note - although the double taxation agreements with Jersey and Guernsey contain an non-discrimination article they do not satisfy the criteria of a ‘qualifying territory’. The legislation covering the meaning of ‘qualifying territory’ requires that the non-discrimination provision effects a ‘national of a state’. The term state cannot apply to a Crown Dependency therefore agreements with these territories are not capable of meeting the legislative requirements of a ‘qualifying territory’”.