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INTM422040 - Transfer pricing: methodologies: Advance Pricing Agreements: who may apply?


15. An APA may be requested by any:

  • UK resident business, including a partnership, with transactions to which the provisions of Part 4 TIOPA 2010 apply
  • any non-resident trading in the UK through a permanent establishment
  • any UK resident trading through a permanent establishment outside the UK

16. Every APA request will be considered on the basis of its particular facts and features, but generally HMRC will be looking at the following factors taken together, whether:

  • the transfer pricing issues are complex rather than straightforward. To HMRC ‘complex’ means there is real doubt as to how the arm’s length standard should be applied. Conversely, where market comparables can be readily identified for the transactions in point, in accordance with the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines, HMRC is likely to regard such a situation as ‘straightforward’. HMRC will be willing to consider an innovative proposal providing that there is not a more appropriate and straightforward method, it’s compliant with OECD Guidelines, and not one that HMRC considers it or its Treaty Partners would regard as being overtly tax aggressive
  • without an APA there is a high likelihood of double taxation
  • HMRC consider that it is a good use of the business’ and governmental resources

17. APAs will not be declined solely by reference to the size of the transactions giving rise to the transfer pricing issues, because HMRC recognises that complex transfer pricing issues can be encountered by smaller businesses as well as by large multinationals. However, many small and medium enterprises are exempt from the UK transfer pricing legislation by virtue of Section 166 TIOPA 2010 and so there may be limited occasions where the APA process will be appropriate for smaller businesses.

18. Since April 2004 UK-to-UK transactions have been subject to transfer pricing legislation, but HMRC does not generally see such transactions as likely to warrant an APA. However, some UK-to-UK transactions, for example oil-related ring-fenced trades, are specifically provided for in legislation.

19. When a UK business does obtain an APA, and the provision in question is made or imposed with a related UK business, Section 222 TIOPA 2010 enables the other UK business to claim to have their profits adjusted in line with the APA where they are disadvantaged. However, HMRC seeks to avoid such issues by encouraging the business to agree, wherever possible, that the transfer pricing methodology will determine the commercial charge for the provision, as well as the charge for tax purposes.