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INTM489585 - Diverted Profits Tax: application of Diverted Profits Tax: legislation – Finance Act 2015 – core provisions: contents

  1. INTM489590
    Overview of Diverted Profits Tax
  2. INTM489595
    Section 80 - involvement of entities or transactions lacking economic substance - situation 1 - UK company
  3. INTM489600
    Transaction or series of transactions
  4. INTM489605
    Section 80 exceptions – excepted loan relationship outcome
  5. INTM489610
    Section 80 exceptions – small or medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
  6. INTM489615
    Application to partnerships
  7. INTM489620
    Section 81 - involvement of entities or transactions lacking economic substance - extension to foreign companies with a UK permanent establishment
  8. INTM489625
    Consequences of section 80 or 81 applying
  9. INTM489630
    Consequences of section 80 or 81 applying - section 82 - key definitions
  10. INTM489635
    Consequences of section 80 or 81 applying - section 83 - cases where no taxable diverted profits arise
  11. INTM489640
    Consequences of section 80 or 81 applying - section 84 - calculation by reference to the actual provision
  12. INTM489645
    Consequences of section 80 or 81 applying - section 85 - calculation by reference to the relevant alternative provision
  13. INTM489650
    Estimating profits for notices – section 80 or 81 cases
  14. INTM489655
    Section 86 - avoidance of a UK taxable presence – situation 3
  15. INTM489660
    Section 86 exceptions – independent agents, etc.
  16. INTM489665
    Section 86 exceptions – companies with limited UK related sales or expenses
  17. INTM489670
    Section 86 exceptions – SMEs
  18. INTM489675
    Section 86 – the mismatch condition
  19. INTM489680
    Section 86 – the tax avoidance condition
  20. INTM489685
    Section 86 – application to partnerships
  21. INTM489690
    Section 87 - exception for limited UK-related sales or expenses
  22. INTM489695
    Consequences of section 86 applying
  23. INTM489700
    Consequences of section 86 applying - section 88 - key definitions
  24. INTM489705
    Consequences of section 86 applying - section 89 - calculation of profits where only tax avoidance condition is met
  25. INTM489710
    Consequences of section 86 applying - section 90 - mismatch condition is met - calculation by reference to the actual provision
  26. INTM489715
    Consequences of section 86 applying - section 91 - mismatch condition is met - calculation by reference to the relevant alternative provision
  27. INTM489720
    Estimating profits for notices - section 86 cases
  28. INTM489725
    The participation condition
  29. INTM489730
    The participation condition A - financing arrangements
  30. INTM489735
    The participation condition B - non-financing arrangements
  31. INTM489740
    The effective tax mismatch outcome
  32. INTM489745
    The effective tax mismatch outcome – reduction in the income of the first party
  33. INTM489750
    The effective tax mismatch outcome – exempted payments
  34. INTM489755
    The effective tax mismatch outcome – 80% payment test
  35. INTM489760
    The effective tax mismatch outcome - quantifying the tax reduction
  36. INTM489765
    The insufficient economic substance condition – overview
  37. INTM489770
    The insufficient economic substance condition – detail
  38. INTM489775