INTM517000 - Thin capitalisation: practical guidance: measuring debt - contents
INTM517010Debt-based ratios (gearing or leverage)
INTM517020What is debt?
INTM517030What is equity?
INTM517040What is an acceptable arm's length standard?
INTM517050The UK borrowing unit
INTM517060How the nature of the commercial activity influences the level of debt
INTM517070Private Finance Initiative (PFI) companies
INTM517080Groups/companies in expansion mode
INTM517090Groups/companies in acquisition mode
INTM517100Groups with mixed activities
INTM517110Example: the components of a debt: equity ratio calculation
INTM517120Adjusting debt calculations: netting off of debt
INTM517130Adjusting debt calculations: netting off of cash